August 2023 Global History And Geography II Regents Questions 11-28 Question Preview (ID: 62107)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Based on these documents, Secretary McNamara believed U.S. involvement in this region would prevent

a) rebellions against colonial rule
b) genocides and human rights abuses
c) the spread of communism
d) civil wars in recently liberated nations

The conflict referred to in the documents is most closely associated with

a) the Chinese Civil War
b) the Cold War
c) the Cultural Revolution
d) global terrorism

The author interprets Kenyatta’s discussion of the Kenya African Union flag as a call for

a) a new monotheistic religious movement
b) peaceful transfer of political power to Africans
c) removal of restriction on political speech
d) violent resistance against colonial authority

Which event led most directly to the situation described in this document?

a) the French Revolution
b) the Berlin Conference
c) the Treaty of Versailles
d) the Truman Doctrine

Which statement best describes the point of view of this cartoonist?

a) Nuclear arms treaties have been highly effective.
b) The arms race was limited to nuclear missiles.
c) The threat of armed revolution was not taken seriously.
d) Disarmament talks had not been effective.

Based on this cartoon, what is being “fed” to the Chinese people?

a) Democratic philosophy
b) Communist ideology
c) Capitalist doctrine
d) Mercantilist principles

This cartoon suggests that the Chinese people and their government

a) wanted to continue Mao’s economic programs
b) saw the need to increase agricultural imports
c) disagreed on whether to adopt democratic reforms
d) had no interest in the principles of the Enlightenment

This photo demonstrates a clash between

a) traditional cultural values and secularization
b) localized trade networks and globalization
c) economic inequality and socialism
d) ethnic diversity and cultural homogenization

Which event most directly contributed to the action shown in this photo?

a) Iran’s decision to become a member of OPEC
b) passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
c) founding of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo
d) the Ayatollah Khomeini’s rise to power

What is a correct inference based on the data presented in this chart?

a) Global migration trends reveal people increasingly moving to urban centers and living in overcrowded environments.
b) European imperialism has left many African nations with inadequate health care, a lack of education, and poverty.
c) Post-independence movements led some African nations to experience ethnic conflict,genocide,and an increase in refugee people
d) Modern societies continue to negatively impact the environment by pollute air+water in addition to depleting natural resource

This chart would be most useful to a person or group advocating for

a) policies to slow climate change
b) free trade laws
c) collective security agreements
d) health and education funding

What is the primary focus of these documents?

a) the need for cultural exchanges in Europe
b) the value of immigration to German regions
c) the role of American culture in globalization
d) the importance of the Cold War in history

Which claim about globalization is supported by these documents?

a) It minimizes trade.
b) It reshapes cultures.
c) It discourages creativity.
d) It restricts freedom.

Which conclusion about China can best be drawn from this passage?

a) It uses a communist economy based on Maoist principles.
b) It rejects capitalism as an economic system but welcomes democratic ideals.
c) It wants to completely isolate itself from contact with the rest of the world.
d) It wants the economic benefits of capitalism without free speech and democracy.

Which claim is best supported by the evidence in this passage?

a) Sisowath Doung Chanto questioned his father’s patriotism.
b) The Khmer Rouge only arrested artists and authors.
c) Millions of Cambodians were executed during the civil war.
d) Many Cambodians resisted arrest by fleeing the country.

The actions described in this passage are most closely associated with which leader?

a) Ho Chi Minh
b) Pol Pot
c) Deng Xiaoping
d) Sun Yat Sen

According to this author, what is the underlying reason for the exploitation of child labor?

a) increasing health costs
b) extreme poverty
c) government interventions
d) technological developments

Which statement best describes the difference between child labor laws and enforcement as described in this passage?

a) Most countries have no laws to protect children from dangerous labor situations.
b) Most employers are always punished for breaking child labor laws.
c) Unless people take action, little will change regarding child labor abuses.
d) Child labor laws are changing to ensure children are earning equal pay for equal work.

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