June 2023 United States History And Government Regents Questions 1-10 Question Preview (ID: 62104)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

According to this passage from Common Sense, the author is

a) trying to convince Americans to remain English colonists
b) suggesting that the colonies join a European confederation against England
c) proposing that the colonies revise the Articles of Confederation
d) urging Americans to become independent from their mother country

What is the primary argument used in this passage by Thomas Paine to make his point?

a) There is no economic relationship between the American colonies and England.
b) England cannot effectively govern the colonies because America is so much larger.
c) The American colonies are already allied with France and do not need England.
d) England has denied the colonists any form of self-government.

What was the primary reason James Madison wrote this and other Federalist Papers?

a) to support ratification of the Constitution
b) to support creation of a national bank
c) to encourage increasing ties to Europe
d) to encourage the development of political parties

Which constitutional principle does Madison most directly describe in this passage?

a) reserving the power of judicial review
b) separation of powers between the branches of government
c) support for the rule of law
d) creation of a powerful military

According to this passage, what was President Thomas Jefferson’s primary objective in proposing the Embargo Acts?

a) to raise revenue
b) to limit the slave trade
c) to avoid war
d) to increase trade

What was one result of the failure of the Embargo Acts?

a) Louisiana Purchase
b) War of 1812
c) Missouri Compromise
d) Gibbons v. Ogden decision

What is one reason President Abraham Lincoln included these statements in this address?

a) to reduce the fears of slave-holding states
b) to reestablish the foreign slave trade
c) to increase support of northern abolitionists
d) to encourage the expansion of slavery into the West

Which later action by President Lincoln demonstrated a change from his 1861 position?

a) signing the Pacific Railway Act
b) appointing William Seward Secretary of State
c) issuing the Emancipation Proclamation
d) suspending habeas corpus

Which geographic feature does Frederick Jackson Turner suggest as primary in the creation of the American character?

a) an irregular coastline
b) the Great Lakes
c) unsettled wilderness
d) the Mohawk Valley

Which federal action is most consistent with the ideas expressed by Frederick Jackson Turner in this excerpt?

a) passage of the Federal Reserve Act
b) establishment of the Freedmen’s Bureau
c) decision in Plessy v. Ferguson
d) passage of the Homestead Act

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