August 2023 United States History And Government Regents Questions 1-10 Question Preview (ID: 62102)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The purpose of this statement was to

a) give reasons to support the ratification of the Constitution
b) question the power granted to Congress under the Constitution
c) decide which powers would be given to the president in the Constitution
d) encourage support for an amendment to limit personal taxation in the Constitution

Which provision in the Constitution is the author of this passage questioning?

a) due process
b) equal protection
c) elastic clause
d) rule of law

The Constitution gives the power to determine presidential succession beyond the vice president to

a) the Supreme Court
b) the president’s cabinet
c) Congress
d) state governors

The 22nd amendment, added in 1951, changed presidential eligibility by

a) establishing a two-term limit
b) raising the minimum age
c) requiring four years of college
d) ending the residency clause

In this address, President George Washington states that the United States can stay out of foreign entanglements because of its

a) ethnic diversity
b) well-established military
c) large industrial capacity
d) geographical location

Based on this passage, President Washington would urge the United States to avoid

a) trade agreements
b) permanent political alliances
c) foreign travel
d) industrial development

A historian could best use this map to study

a) the Monroe Doctrine
b) American nativism
c) Manifest Destiny
d) Dutch imperialism in North America

Which statement can best be supported by the information found on this map?

a) Territorial expansion during the 1800s was achieved through a variety of methods.
b) Colonial goals had been realized once the Louisiana Purchase was complete.
c) The annexation of Texas was an effort to avoid war with Mexico.
d) The Great Plains was the last area settled.

Based on this excerpt from the Seneca Falls’ Declaration of Sentiments, women should

a) remain in the home
b) serve in the military
c) give up their personal property
d) have equal rights with men

Which government action addressed a grievance included in this declaration?

a) the 13th amendment
b) the Plessy v. Ferguson decision
c) the Schenck v. United States decision
d) the 19th amendment

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