June 2023 Physics Regents Questions 41-50 Question Preview (ID: 62101)
The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation.
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In substance X, a ray of light with a frequency of 5.09 × 10^14 hertz has a speed of 2.04 × 10^8 meters per second. Substance X could be
a) diamond
b) water
c) zircon
d) glycerol
Which could not be the charge on a particle?
a) 3.2 × 10^–19 C
b) 4.5 × 10^–19 C
c) 4.8 × 10^–19 C
d) 6.4 × 10^–19 C
Which graph best represents the relationship between photon energy (Ephoton) and wavelength?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Light travels from air into another medium with an index of refraction of n. The light has a wavelength of 6.0 × 10^–7 meter in the new medium. Which expression represents the wavelength of this light in air?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
If 80. joules of electrical energy is dissipated by a 10.-ohm resistor in 2.0 seconds, the current in the resistor is
a) 5.0 A
b) 2.0 A
c) 8.0 A
d) 4.0 A
Which wave has a period that is twice that of wave W?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Which wave is always 180 degrees out of phase with wave W?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Which graph best represents the relationship between acceleration and time for a freely falling object as the object falls near the surface of Earth?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
The total mass of the skydiver with his parachute is 85.0 kilograms. If the magnitude of the gravitational force is 834 newtons, and the magnitude of the force of air friction is 652 newtons, the acceleration of the skydiver at the time shown is

a) 2.14 m/s^2 up
b) 2.14 m/s^2 down
c) 7.67 m/s^2 up
d) 9.81 m/s^2 down
The momentum of the system of pucks after the collision is
a) 0.0150 kg•m/s north
b) 0.0150 kg•m/s south
c) 0.225 kg•m/s north
d) 0.225 kg•m/s south
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