August 2023 Living Environment Regents Questions 31-40 Question Preview (ID: 62086)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Following the volcanic eruption in 1980, which process occurred that resulted in an increase in the number of species?

a) ecological succession
b) deforestation
c) biological evolution
d) differentiation

Which explanation is consistent with the data collected?

a) The increased mass of the willow tree came only from materials taken in from the soil in which it was planted.
b) The increased mass of the willow tree was the result of cellular respiration during the five-year period.
c) The willow tree did not use any material from the soil during the five-year period.
d) The increased mass of the willow tree was the result of the tree taking in materials from its environment.

Which type of cells most likely require the greatest input of oxygen?

a) white blood cells
b) skin cells
c) fat cells
d) liver cells

The prediction in the news article, which was made over 100 years ago, may be considered

a) accurate because the average global temperature has risen
b) accurate because the average global temperature has lowered
c) inaccurate because we don’t burn coal today
d) inaccurate because our carbon dioxide production has decreased

This discovery illustrates the concept that
a) scientists in the past did not ask questions about the reliability of the source of data
b) experiments without controls are valid if they obtain new information
c) scientific explanations are tentative and subject to change as new discoveries are made
d) claims should be questioned only when based on large samples of unbiased data

Different cell types can arise from genetically identical embryonic cells because

a) different cells in the embryo contain completely different genes
b) fertilization results in new gene combinations, which result in the different cell types
c) mutations in embryonic cells result in new genes, resulting in the different cell types
d) different cells have the same genes, but the same genes aren’t expressed in all cells

A substance that is essential to the functioning of all cells is most likely coded for by gene

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Individuals who contract a disease caused by a strain of a drug-resistant bacteria are at risk. This is because, when they are treated with certain antibiotics,

a) the resistant bacteria survive in greater numbers and pass the trait to their offspring
b) the beneficial bacteria are unaffected, rapidly reproduce, and destroy the resistant bacteria
c) the resistant bacteria are killed only by increasing the dose of antibiotics
d) the beneficial bacteria survive but do not pass their traits to their offspring

Which ecosystems are most likely to remain stable over time?

a) fresh water and seawater because more species in an ecosystem increases the variety of genetic material available
b) fresh water and seawater because an increased number of species causes salt concentration in the water to increase
c) brackish water and seawater because high salt concentration increases the number of species in water ecosystems
d) brackish water and salt lakes because salty water damages DNA, which results in fewer species surviving

Identify the pattern of chromosomes possible in the tadpole offspring from these parent frogs.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

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