August 2023 Living Environment Regents Questions 21-30 Question Preview (ID: 62085)
The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation.
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Altering yeast cells in this way is known as
a) selective breeding
b) genetic engineering
c) homeostatic regulation
d) natural selection
Snake venom is modified saliva containing enzymes and other proteins that break down tissue surrounding the bite and destroy blood cells. If bitten, the damage caused by this type of venom would most likely be slowed by
a) applying ice to the area where the patient was bitten
b) having the patient drink a large amount of water
c) forcing the patient to vomit, in order to remove the venom
d) increasing the rate of blood flow by having the patient exercise
Which two processes are directly required for a human zygote to be produced?
a) mitosis and fertilization
b) meiosis and fertilization
c) mitosis and differentiation
d) meiosis and differentiation
The element carbon and its compounds are constantly cycled between the living and nonliving parts of the ecosystem. This cycling is important because
a) without carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the ozone shield would break down completely
b) carbon is a component of DNA, proteins, and other compounds essential for living organisms
c) the process of photosynthesis releases CO2 into the atmosphere, where it can be taken in by animals for the of respiration
d) carbon is required by humans to make all of the same proteins that all other mammals synthesize
Cane toads disrupt food webs in Australia because they
a) reduce populations of local species
b) increase the stability of ecosystems
c) preserve beetles that feed on crops
d) provide a potential source of medicine
At which level do the organisms all carry on both respiration and photosynthesis?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
This single-celled organism is maintaining homeostasis by

a) limiting the number of the molecules of A that it excretes
b) eliminating molecules of compound B
c) excreting molecules of compound C
d) using sunlight to increase the number of food molecules that it takes in
Which row in the chart correctly describes the normal function of two of the labeled structures?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Which row of the chart most accurately states possible effects of building this manufacturing plant?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Which statement most directly describes this situation?

a) Sea cucumbers are an animal resource being appropriately managed to benefit humans.
b) The population of sea cucumbers is being greatly reduced by natural predators, such as sea stars.
c) The direct harvesting of organisms by humans can have irreversible effects.
d) Biological research has led to the use of plant and animal products that have medical benefits.
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