August 2023 Living Environment Regents Questions 11-20 Question Preview (ID: 62082)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Creatine, a popular nutritional supplement, is used to decrease fatigue by increasing ATP in muscle cells. The cell structure directly responsible for the increased production of ATP in human muscle cells is the
a) chloroplast
b) mitochondrion
c) vacuole
d) nucleus

Which statement best describes the offspring that result from these methods?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

As a population of organisms within a forest ecosystem increases, the size of the population is eventually limited by
a) the overproduction of their food supply
b) the size of similar populations in a nearby ecosystem
c) a finite supply of water and nutrients
d) a lack of competition

Solar and wind power are options available to people interested in producing electricity while reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. A benefit of using these alternative energy sources is that they
a) preserve natural resources for future generations
b) increase the number of jobs required for mining coal
c) ensure that supplies of fossil fuels will never decrease
d) cost more to generate than all other sources of electricity

A decrease in green chlorophyll in the chloroplasts will directly result in

a) an increase in the glucose and oxygen produced
b) a decrease in the glucose and oxygen produced
c) an increase in the glucose and a decrease in the carbon dioxide produced
d) a decrease in the glucose and an increase in the carbon dioxide produced

Which statement most accurately describes the expected effect on the carrying capacity of a population if a change in a factor occurs?
a) The number of snowshoe hares would increase if the population of Canadian lynx, a predator, also increased.
b) The population of green algae would increase if chemical weed killers used on lawns entered the lake.
c) The grass population would decrease if the foxes ate many rabbits.
d) The population of Kaibab deer in Arizona would decrease if they overgrazed the plants.

This information supports the concept that
a) all viruses around the Great Lakes are spread by infected ticks
b) this virus is harmful to all living organisms that it infects
c) relationships between organisms may be negative, neutral, or positive
d) time of year, alone, determines if infection with the Powassan virus is possible

Which two structures are directly involved in the normal development of a human fetus?
a) uterus and placenta
b) oviducts and ovaries
c) testes and ovaries
d) placenta and stomach

Which statement correctly describes an organism’s genetic information?
a) DNA molecules contain four subunits known as genes.
b) Chromosomes are made entirely of protein.
c) Genes are made of long sequences of chromosomes.
d) DNA contains combinations of four base subunits.

Which statement best describes the effects of this deforestation?
a) It affects only the species of animals that live there.
b) It disrupts many natural processes that humans depend on.
c) It increases plant biodiversity in nearby ecosystems.
d) It increases human reliance on renewable resources.

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