June 2023 Earth Science Regents Questions 1-10 Question Preview (ID: 62074)

The Questions In This Practice Exam Are Thoughtfully Crafted To Assess Your Knowledge And Skills. They Cover A Range Of Topics And Formats, Offering A Valuable Opportunity For Self-assessment And Preparation. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which two characteristics classify Jupiter as a Jovian planet?
a) low density and large diameter
b) low density and small diameter
c) high density and large diameter
d) high density and small diameter

As observed from Earth, the wavelengths of light from the most distant galaxies are usually
a) blue shifted due to an expanding universe
b) blue shifted due to a contracting universe
c) red shifted due to an expanding universe
d) red shifted due to a contracting universe

The rate of Earth’s revolution around the Sun is approximately
a) 1°/day
b) 15°/day
c) 24°/day
d) 360°/day

Different star constellations are observed from Earth at different times during the year because
a) constellations spin on an axis
b) constellations travel in an orbit around the Sun
c) Earth spins on its axis
d) Earth travels in an orbit around the Sun

The apparent change in the direction of swing of a Foucault pendulum provides evidence of Earth’s
a) rotation
b) revolution
c) tilted axis
d) elliptical orbit

The Milky Way can best be described as
a) an elliptical galaxy
b) a collection of stars orbiting the Sun
c) a star that originated 4600 million years ago
d) one of billions of galaxies in the universe

How much heat energy is required to change five grams of ice to liquid water at 0°C?
a) 334 joules
b) 1670 joules
c) 2260 joules
d) 11,300 joules

What is the cause and its effect on the change in mass of the potted plant over time?

a) Transpiration caused a decrease in mass.
b) Condensation caused a decrease in mass.
c) Transpiration caused an increase in mass.
d) Condensation caused an increase in mass.

In which layer did the balloon burst?
a) troposphere
b) stratosphere
c) mesosphere
d) thermosphere

Which statement best identifies this event and at which location it would be viewed?

a) A solar eclipse is occurring and can be seen from location A.
b) A solar eclipse is occurring and can be seen from location B.
c) A lunar eclipse is occurring and can be seen from location A.
d) A lunar eclipse is occurring and can be seen from location B.

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