Colonization Review Question Preview (ID: 62061)

Early Colonization To Building Resentment In The N American Colonies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is mercantilism?
a) the most probable route the first inhabitants used to migrate to North America
b) newly claimed territory of a larger country
c) using trade laws, tariffs, and resources from colonies to make the mother country richer

Who were the two main opposing forces in the Seven Years' War, also known as the French and Indian War? *
a) A) Spain and Portugal
b) B) Britain and France
c) D) Britain and Germany
d) C) France and Spain

he triangle trade route was used to trade goods back and forth between all of the following places except .
a) the 13 colonies
b) Asia.
c) the African coast.
d) countries in Europe.

Who made the Join or Die cartoon?
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Benjamin Button
d) Kyle Evans

What was the primary purpose of the Mayflower Compact? *
a) A) To establish trade agreements with Native Americans
b) B) To establish laws for fair distribution of land
c) C) To declare war against England
d) D) To establish self-governance among the Pilgrims

What was the name of the group which was responsible for the Salem Witch Trials?
a) Pilgrims
b) Wampanoag
c) Puritans
d) Warlocks

Which of these things were NOT part of the Intolerable Acts/Coercive Acts?
a) Closed the port of Boston
b) Colonists were required to house soldiers in their homes
c) They were not allowed to have town meetings
d) They were not allowed to drink coffee

Why did the Salem witch trials occur?
a) The desire for a Puritan religious utopia
b) The odd behavior and testimnoy of local young girls
c) All the answers are correct
d) The existence of autonomous women who defied the traditional gender roles of the time

What was the First Great Awakening
a) The ending to Disney's Sleeping Beauty
b) A movement during the 1730s when spirituality and religious devotion were revived
c) The First call for abolution
d) The first celebration of the creation of Plymouth Colony

What sermon was preached during the First Great Awakening?
a) The Beatitudes
b) The sermon on the mount
c) Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God
d) 10 thing to build a better life with God

Pick the BEST answer: What were some demands made during the 1st Continental Congress
a) To free the colonies
b) To Join or Die
c) To reassess Parliament's treatment of the Colonist
d) To repeal all of the preceding Tax Acts

Which of the Following was NOT included in the Intolerable Acts
a) The Tea Tax
b) The New York Quartering Act
c) second revenue measure of the Civil War
d) The Sugar Tax

Who was the ruling Monarch during the period of American Ressentiment and Revolution
a) Queen Elizabeth
b) Prince John
c) King Richard
d) King George II

What could have happened to the Roanoke Colony
a) They were captured by the Spanish
b) They ran away
c) The Dutch took over the Territory
d) They assimilated into the Native villages

Which Colony Did not attend the 1st Continental Congress
a) Virgina
b) Maine
c) Georgia
d) Tennessee

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