Cell Organelles Question Preview (ID: 62048)

Organelle Parts, Functions And Differentiate Between Plant And Animal Cells. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why are animal cells many different shapes and sizes?
a) Animal cells provide strength and support.
b) Animal cells allow only certain materials to enter or leave the cell.
c) Animal cells have specific jobs which requires them to look different.
d) Animal cells aren't different shapes or sizes, they are all square or rectangled,

What is a tiny structure inside a cell that carries out a specific function for the cell?
a) organelle
b) cell wall
c) chloroplast
d) mitochondria

Which organelle protects and supports the plant cell?
a) cell membrane
b) cell wall
c) chloroplast
d) vacuole

Which organelle makes food for the cell by converting energy from the sun into energy the cell can use?
a) vacuole
b) mitochondria
c) nucleus
d) chloroplast

Which organelle is the powerhouse of the cell? It converts the energy in food to energy the cell can use.
a) cell membrane
b) mitochondria
c) vacuole
d) cell wall

What is one way plant cells and animal cells are different?
a) only animal cells have mitochondria
b) animal cells are square or rectangular
c) only plant cells are square or rectangular
d) animal cells contain organelles but plant cells do not.

Which organelles can only be found in plant cells?
a) cell wall and cholorplast
b) vacuole and mitochondria
c) cell wall and cell membrane
d) nucleus and mitochondria

Which organelle is the storage unit for the cell? It stores water, food and waste.
a) Cell membrane
b) mitochondria
c) vacuoles
d) nucleus

Which organelle forms barriers and controls what goes into and out of the cell. The membrane is selectively permeable, which means it only allows certain things in and out of the cell?
a) cell wall
b) cell membrane
c) chloroplast
d) nucleus

Which organelle controls the cell's activities, contains DNA, and is the brains of the cell?
a) cell membrane
b) mitochondria
c) nucleus
d) cell membrane

Which type of cell needs the sun's energy as food?
a) plant cell
b) animal cell
c) lung cells
d) nerve cells

Which type of cell has one large vacuole?
a) animal cell
b) bacteria cell
c) plant cell
d) human skin cell

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