Ramsey Ch 7 College Planning Review Question Preview (ID: 62031)

College Planning. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

2 Important Factors in applying for scholarships is that you can demonstrate
a) range; intensity
b) truth; love
c) economic and personal finance knowledge
d) leadership; courage

Student Loans are a type of good debt
a) true
b) false
c) maybe
d) in some scenarios

Part of making a plan to _____ involves searching for scholarships, saving, and talking with your family about what kind of financial help you'll get.
a) get good grades
b) pay cash for college
c) live in a dorm
d) get student loans

You can fund your education by finding the right mix of ___, ___, and ___.
a) Work; loans; cash
b) Scholarships; trust funds; federal aid
c) Grants; scholarships; work
d) Cash; loans; grants

__________________(are) money, usually from the government, that doesn't have to be paid back
a) Commercial Loans
b) Student Loans
c) Scholarships
d) Grants

Getting good grades and scoring well on college entrance exams give you a better chance of ____________.
a) Graduating early
b) Going to an out-of-state college
c) Getting a scholarship
d) Getting an interview

A two-year degree with specialized training, a flexible schedule, and lower educational costs is called a(n) ______________.
a) Bachelor's degree
b) Associate degree
c) Community college degree
d) Graduate degree

The average college student in America graduates with ________ in student loan debt.
a) $35,000
b) $20,000
c) $10,000
d) $5,000

To stay extra focused on your debt-free degree goal, you will need to avoid . . .
a) The FAFSA
b) A college degree
c) All types of financial aid
d) Student loans

FAFSA stands for
a) Fragrant Avocados For Strong Americans
b) Federal Aviation For Spanish Argentinians
c) French Aristocrats Fighting Socialist Associations
d) Free Application For Federal Student Aid

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