Expository Hooks And Topic Sentences Question Preview (ID: 62026)

Expository Writing. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Hooks and topic sentences should always...
a) begin with boring stuff
b) capitalize and punctuate
c) be left out

What is the magic word to use in informative topic sentences?
a) because
b) when
c) write
d) without

Where does your topic sentence belong in your intro?
a) at the very beginning
b) after the hook
c) at the very end
d) nowhere

What is the purpose of expository writing?
a) to convince your reader to agree with you
b) to bore your reader
c) to teach your reader

Which of the following is a BAD example of a topic sentence?
a) Without jellyfish, ocean habitats would change drastically.
b) Without Takis, life would suck.
c) Without books, learning would be very different.
d) Without vegetables, human diets would be greatly changed.

What is the purpose of a topic sentence?
a) To make you reader want to read more.
b) To ask your reader a question.
c) To introduce your reader to the topic.

Which of the following is a GOOD example of a topic sentence?
a) Students fight about wearing school uniforms.
b) Without Takis, life would suck.
c) Cell phones have made the world a different place.
d) Without Chromebooks, students around the world would learn differently.

Which of the following is a BAD example of a hook?
a) Schools can require school uniforms.
b) You're the worst, mom! the girl yelled as she stomped upstairs to begin her online learning for the day.
c) How do you think students will be impacted if junk food vending machines are allowed in schools?
d) In the United States, 20% of schools require students to wear uniforms.

Which of the following is a GOOD example of a hook?
a) Do you like chocolate milk?
b) Ouch, the girl said.
c) Boom! The driver rear ended the car in front of him because he was looking down at his text message.
d) In my opinion, students shouldn't be allowed to pick their own seats in the classroom.

What is the purpose of a hook?
a) To share reasons with your reader
b) To convince your reader to agree with you.
c) To share the topic with your reader.
d) To make your reader want to read more.

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