Unit 1 Test Question Preview (ID: 62014)

The Life Of Jesus - Section 1.1-1.7. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In one word, summarize what the Bible is the true story of.
a) Redemption
b) Fall
c) Creation
d) God

Who Is “in Adam” and who is “In Christ?”
a) Everyone is In Adam, Everyone is In Christ
b) Believers Are In Adam, Unbelievers are in Christ
c) Unbelievers are In Adam, Believers are In Christ
d) Everyone Is in Adam, Believers are in Christ

What is the major purpose God has in mind for everything He is doing?
a) Our Comfort In This Life
b) To Answer All Our Questions
c) To Glorify Himself and Do Good To Us
d) God doesn't have a purpose for what He's doing.

What is the three-point outline of the big story of Scripture?
a) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus
b) Faithful, Available, Teachable
c) Jesus, Others, You
d) Creation, Fall, Redemption

Why is application a necessary step in studying the Bible?
a) We don't need to apply the Bible. Jesus lived perfectly for us.
b) Because application contributes to the good works we need for salvation
c) Because application helps us to mature spiritually
d) Application is the way we make sure we've interpreted the Bible correctly.

What is one attitude you DO NOT need in order to be prepared to observe the Bible well?
a) Diligence
b) Giftedness
c) Attentiveness
d) Perserverance

List the 3 steps of Bible study.
a) Observation, Interpretation, Application
b) Explanation, Illustration, Observation
c) Illumination, Devotion, Interpretation
d) Observation, Explanation, Interpretation

Explain the type of love that you should have for God.
a) A head knowledge that believes the right things
b) A private life with him
c) A whole-hearted devotion to him
d) We can't love God.

According to Deuteronomy, what are the two responses to God’s being Lord?
a) Acknowledge Him as Lord and agree with Him
b) Remain Lord of your own life and reject Him
c) Tell others He is Lord and help them to believe
d) Love God and keep His commandments

Why are we obligated to submit to God as our ultimate authority?
a) He created us
b) He redeemed us
c) He loves us
d) He commands us

What is the main message of the New Testament?
a) God exists
b) Love Yourself
c) Jesus Is Lord
d) Be Like Christ

What are the two purposes of God’s Word?
a) to motivate us to live better lives
b) to reveal God and a relationship with him
c) to give us religious inspiration and guidance for our lives
d) to encourage us to find meaning and purpose in our lives

What is NOT a reality of being “In Christ?”
a) We are counted righteousness.
b) We will no longer suffer.
c) Our sin is forgiven.
d) We will raised from the dead.

How does Jesus fulfill the law?
a) He didn't fulfill the law.
b) He completes it so we don't have to obey it.
c) He accomplishes everything it was designed to achieve.
d) He shows us how to obey it.

How does God’s plan unfold?
a) Through His covenants
b) Through the books of the Bible
c) Through us
d) God doesn't have a plan.

What is significant about Matthew’s gospel and the Old Testament?
a) He is writing about a different Jesus than Luke, Mark and John.
b) He shows how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament story.
c) There is nothing significant about Matthew's gospel.
d) Matthew wants us to see how smart he is because of how well He reads the Old Testament.

What are the 4 major divisions of the New Testament?
a) Old Testament and New Testament
b) Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
c) Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Revelation
d) The Law, The Prophets, The Writings and The Covenants

Who is the seed of the woman and who is the seed of the serpent in Genesis 3:15?
a) The seed of the woman is Jesus and godly people. The seed of the serpent are ungodly people.
b) The seed of the woman is Eve. The seed of the serpent is Adam.
c) The seed of the woman are all children. The seed of the serpent is the Devil.
d) There is no such thing as this. It's just a fairy tale.

How does the Messiah redeem creation?
a) He blows it up and starts again when He returns.
b) He dies on the cross and rises from the dead.
c) We are going to heaven. He doesn't care about creation.
d) Jesus only died for people, not creation.

What is the incarnation?
a) When Jesus died on the cross
b) When Jesus rose from the dead
c) When God promised Mary that she would have a son
d) When the Son of God became man in Mary's womb

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