Properties Of Minerals Question Preview (ID: 62006)

Identify The Physical Properties Of Minerals. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Mohs Scale measures
a) the mass of a mineral
b) the hardness of a mineral
c) the way a mineral shines in the light
d) the density of a mineral

The luster of a mineral describes
a) the way a mineral breaks
b) the hardness of a mineral
c) the way a mineral shines in light (metallic/dull)
d) the color of a mineral

The density of a mineral can be determined by
a) throwing the object to the ground to see if it makes a dent
b) finding the mass and multiplying it by the volume
c) dividing the mineral's mass by the amount of water it displaces in a graduated cylinder
d) finding the volume then dividing by mass

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of minerals?
a) It occurs naturally
b) It has a definite chemical composition
c) Its atoms are arranged in an orderly fashion
d) It is human made

If a penny has a hardness of 2 on the Mohs Hardness Scale, it can scratch a piece of chalk with a hardness of ____
a) 1
b) 3
c) 7
d) none, pennies are the softest on the Mohs Scale

The streak of a mineral is the
a) way it breaks or cracks
b) the color of its powder on a plate
c) smell
d) hardness

Color is the BEST way to identify a mineral
a) True
b) My favorite color is red
c) I like shiny things

The hardest mineral is
a) chalk
b) diamond
c) jello
d) air

What word can be used to describe the mineral's luster
a) magnetic
b) hard
c) soft
d) green

The TVAH mascot is the
a) filler fluff answer (it's wrong btw)
b) what does this have to do with minerals
c) purple alien
d) bobcat

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