ACRE Preparation Test Two Question Preview (ID: 61997)

ACRE Prep Test Two. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

As Catholics, how do we care for the world and all that is in it?
a) Using it any way we want
b) protecting and respecting it
c) buying as much of it as possible
d) enjoying it but not being concerned about it

Which form of prayer is offered for the needs of our community?
a) Adoration
b) Praise
c) Petition
d) Worship

Which of the following are the two Great Commandments that Jesus gave us?
a) Honor your father and mother
b) Love God above all and love your neighbor as yourself
c) Keep the Sabbath holy and go to Mass every week
d) Help the poor and feed the hungry

Which option reflects Jesus Christ's suffering and death
a) Temptation in the desert
b) The Ten Commandment
c) The Act of Contrition
d) The Stations of the Cross

What is one of the joyful mysteries of the rosary
a) The Resurrection
b) The Ascension
c) The Annunciation
d) The Assumption

What prayer do we say at Sunday Mass to profess our Catholic beliefs
a) Glory Be to the Father
b) Hail Holy Queen
c) Our Father
d) Apostles' Creed or Nicene Creed

How do we live a holy life?
a) Living a grace-filled life
b) memorizing the 10 Commandment
c) Reading religious books
d) Living a happy life

What is the ability to know the difference between good and evil?
a) contrition
b) conscience
c) conversion
d) confession

Why do human beings have dignity?
a) Humans are made in God's image and likeness
b) Humans can contribute to society
c) Humans have wealth
d) Humans can do what they want

What are words, actions, or desires contrary to God's law called?
a) accidents
b) personal sin
c) original sin
d) mistakes

Why do we have a conscience?
a) To persuade others to do what is right
b) To use social media to decide what is right
c) To do good and avoid evil
d) to judge the actions of others

What is morality?
a) Forming our character
b) Choosing right from wrong
c) Doing what friends do
d) Deciding others' guilt

Which Sacrament is received by those who are called by God through the Church to become ordained ministers?
a) Eucharist
b) Holy Orders
c) Matrimony
d) Penance

Which activity is most appropriate for Sundays and other holy days?
a) Attending patriotic events
b) Attending mass
c) Visiting family
d) Completing household chores

Which of the following is a Sacrament of Initiation?
a) Baptism
b) Matrimony
c) Holy Orders
d) Anointing of the Sick

Which of the mass unites us as a community?
a) Liturgy of the Word
b) Liturgy of the Eucharist
c) Introductory Rites
d) Concluding Rites

Which part of the Mass does the reader (Lector) read from the Old Testament?
a) Liturgy of the Word
b) Gospel Acclamation
c) Penitential Rite
d) Greeting

In what sacrament do Catholics confess their sins and receive and celebrate God's forgiveness?
a) Penance or Reconciliation
b) Confirmation
c) Holy Orders
d) Matrimony

Which sacrament does the church celebrate as the center of Christian life?
a) Reconciliation
b) Eucharist
c) Baptism
d) Confirmation

What is the role of an ordained deacon in the liturgy?
a) Serving as an usher during Mass
b) Assisting the priest with his sacred duties
c) Serving the congregation as cantor
d) organizing the vestment for the priest

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