Two-Step Equations Question Preview (ID: 61995)

Solve Two- Step Equations. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Solve the two-step equation: 2x + 6 = 14
a) mnyu
b) x = 8
c) nbvyj
d) nhvyt

What is the first step to solve 2m + 26 = 37
a) Divide each side by 2
b) Divide each side by 26
c) Subtract 26 from each side of the equation
d) subtract 2 from each side

Solve this 2-step equation. 5x + 16 = 66
a) x = 336.4
b) x = 3
c) x = 10
d) x = 60

What is the 2nd step to solve this equation? 5n + 12 = 32
a) Divide each side by 5
b) Subtract each side by 12
c) Add each side by 12
d) Multiply each side by 5

What is the solution of the two-step equation, 2x - 4 = 6? *
a) A) x = 1
b) B) x = 2
c) C) x = 5
d) D) x = 5

Which first step is needed to solve the two-step equation 3x + 2 = 8?
a) Add 2 to each side
b) Subtract 2 from each side
c) Multiply each side by 3
d) Divide each side by 3

Solve the equation 5y - 5 = -15
a) y = 4
b) y = -4
c) y =-2
d) y = 2

What is the second step to solve the equation? x/5 + 8 = 12
a) Mutliply by 5 on each side
b) Add 8 to each side
c) Divide by 5 on each side
d) Subtract 8 from each side

What is the first step to solve this equation? 3x - 5 = 13
a) Add 5 to both sides
b) Subtract 5 from both sides
c) Multiply by 3 on both sides
d) Divide by 3 on both sides

a) nhvyktr
b) mbhuyt
c) nbvytr
d) nbvtr

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