Variables And Graphing Question Preview (ID: 61984)

Basic Questions On Variables And Graphing. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Besides a label on each axis, what else do you need to include with the label on the axis?
a) author
b) title
c) punctuation
d) units

Which type of graph do you use a line of best fit?
a) histogram
b) bar graph
c) line graph
d) scatterplot

What is a good acronym to remember the placement of variables on a graph?
a) do or do not
b) drop it
c) dry mix
d) none of them

Which axis represents the independent variable on a graph?
a) y axis
b) x axis
c) depends on the experiment

Which axis represents the dependent variable on a graph?
a) y axis
b) x axis
c) depends on the experiment

Why can you only have one independent variable in an experiment?
a) To keep the experiment simple
b) So you know what caused the results.
c) So you can easily graph your data.
d) To keep your answers organized.

What you keep the same in an experiment.
a) independent variable
b) dependent variable
c) controlled variable
d) custom variable

What you are testing in an experiment.
a) independent variable
b) dependent variable
c) controlled variable
d) custom variable

What you are measuring in an experiment.
a) independent variable
b) dependent variable
c) controlled variable
d) custom variable

What goes at the top of the graph to indicate what the data in the graph represents?
a) units
b) title
c) axis labels
d) author

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