DCP 1 Review (US History) Question Preview (ID: 61981)

US History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The settlement at Jamestown was started in 1607. The leaders of Jamestown thought that they could force the Native Americans to grow crops for them. When this failed they started
a) using settlers from France.
b) bringing slaves from Africa.
c) using captured Spanish prisoners.
d) bringing more settlers from England.

Jamestown was established in 1607 by the Virginia Company for profit. Why was Plymouth establish in 1620?
a) Pilgrims seeking religious freedom
b) A safe-haven for Quakers
c) Spanish conquistadors for gold
d) a colony for debtors

Which of the 3 regions in the 13 colonies was known for its long growing season, fertile soil and plantation economy?
a) New England
b) Southern
c) Middle (Mid-Atlantic)
d) New York

What was the main social reason for British colonization in North America?
a) escape famine
b) seek religious freedom
c) develop plantations
d) profit

Reason for seventeenth century European colonization of North America
a) To cultivate cash crops in the Chesapeake Bay Area
b) To extract precious metals from mines in present- day Mexico
c) To profit from fur trading in the Great Lakes Region
d) To establish representative institutions

The Treaty of Paris 1783 resulted in Great Britain recognizing the United States as an independent country and
a) British territory west of the Appalachian Mountains was granted to the United States
b) Competing Seminole and Spanish claims in West Florida were resolved.
c) Great Britain cut off American claims to lands west of the Appalachian Mountains
d) British territory in eastern Canada was ceded to France.

The reason that the Mayflower colonists signed the Mayflower Compact in 1620 was to-
a) agree to share colonial lands
b) form a social contract for self-government
c) appoint a governor for their colony
d) regulate the activites of local Native Americans

Which contains ideas from the Mayflower Compact?
a) The colonists declared their independence from English rule.
b) A group of early colonists declared their alliance with Parliament against the king.
c) The king agreed not to collect new taxes without the approval of Parliament.
d) A group of early colonists agreed to form their own community and to obey their own laws.

In a mercantilist economy, what happened to goods and materials that were traded?
a) they were tarriffed
b) they were stolen
c) they were auctioned off
d) they were given to the slaves

How did mercantilist policies create tension between Great Britain and the Colonies?
a) By introducing indentured servitude to the middle colonies.
b) By requiring colonists to enlist in the military
c) By limiting the amount of farmland each colonist could have
d) By preventing colonists from trading with other foreign countries

What were the first battles of the American Revolution?
a) The Battles of Trenton and Princeton
b) The Battles of Kettle Creek and Savannah
c) The Battles of Lexington and Concord
d) The Battles of Saratoga and Brandywine

This Act was passed in response to Boston Tea Party, ports in Boston were closed and no one could leave or enter the port with supplies
a) Townshend Acts
b) Quartering Act
c) Boston Tea Party
d) Intolerable Acts

The Proclamation of 1763
a) said that the colonists must remain loyal to Britain
b) said that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains
c) gave the colonists a vote in Parliament
d) freed the slaves

The 17th century expansion of the transatlantic slave trade was caused by-
a) the demand for labor in industrialized cities
b) the need for soldiers to join the American Revolution
c) the demand for labor in colonies that produced cash crops
d) the expansion to new territories

All of the following except ONE were acts passed by parliament that upset the colonists. Choose the exception.
a) sugar act
b) stamp act
c) tea act
d) tobacco act

Northern (New England) colonies has a cold climate, deep harbors, and __________ industry.
a) fishing
b) tobacco
c) cash crops
d) slave

How did the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut in 1639 have an impact on our past and modern political system
a) people elect their representatives
b) people have no religious freedoms
c) it didn't impact the modern politics
d) it didn't impact the past politics

The winter at Valley Forge was a difficult time for the Continental Army because the army
a) lacked protection and supplies.
b) began to turn against the Revolution.
c) had just lost several important battles.
d) refused to drill and train.

Who was the French soldier who joined Washington's troops and helped him train his army at Valley Forge?
a) Marquis de Lafayette
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) James Armistead
d) Wentworth Cheswell

Who received commission from the Continental Congress to be the commander in chief of the continental army?
a) John Paul Jones
b) George Washington
c) Patrick Henry
d) Thomas Jefferson

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