Seasons Question Preview (ID: 61979)

TEK 8.7A: Model And Illustrate How The Tilted Earth Rotates On Its Axis, Causing Day And Night, And Revolves Around The Sun Causing Changes In Seasons. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) spinning of Earth on its imaginary axis, which takes about 24 hours to complete and causes
b) the path of an object as it revolves around another object in space
c) point or time at which the sun is farthest from the equator
d) a force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses

Earth completes one rotation on its axis about every 24 hours. What would be the most likely result if Earth completed one rotation on its axis every 12 hours?
a) Earth would cycle through the four seasons more quickly.
b) Some places on Earth would experience fewer hours of daylight.
c) Earth would cycle through periods of daylight and darkness more quickly
d) Some places on Earth would experience fewer hours of darkness.

No tilt means..
a) Earth is closer to the Sun
b) no seasons
c) Earth's core stop moving
d) less gravitational pull by the Sun

Tilt + Revolution causes...
a) Seasons
b) Day and Night
c) Moon phases
d) Tides

a) area with the most stars due to the Sun's direct energy
b) area with the least precipitation due to the Sun's direct energy
c) area where winter occurs year round due to Sun's direct energy
d) area where there is no change in seasons due to Sun's direct energy

What location on Earth experiences drastic changes in daylight hours?
a) North/South Poles
b) Equator
c) Winter
d) Fall

Mel is observing a time-lapse picture of a stars in the night sky on Tuesday. What explains why the stars appear to move across the sky during the night?
a) the path of the Moon
b) the motion of the stars
c) the rotation of the Earth
d) the revolution of the Earth

When the tilt is toward the sun, what season?
a) Fall
b) Summer
c) Winter
d) Spring

A student in Texas is getting ready for school while another student across the world is getting ready for bed. What is the cause of that phenomenon?
a) The revolution of the Earth
b) The Earth's tilt
c) The Earth's rotation
d) The seasons

In December, the South Pole is tilted closer to the Sun at any other time of the year and the North Pole is tilted the furthest from the Sun. What is the Northern hemisphere experiencing at that time?
a) The winter solstice
b) the summer solstice
c) the vernal equinox
d) the autumnal equinox

When tilt is away?
a) Fall
b) Summer
c) Winter
d) Spring

When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, the southern hemisphere is tilted ____ from the sun.
a) toward
b) away

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