Solar Systems-Parts 1 And 2 Question Preview (ID: 61971)

Space Parts 1 And 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Large and small rocks or metallic masses orbiting the Sun
a) meteors
b) asteroids
c) meteorites
d) comets

The region between the inner and outer planets where most asteroids orbit around the Sun:
a) asteroid belt
b) Jupiter
c) outer space
d) satellites

A natural chunk of rock or dust existing outside of Earth's atmosphere:
a) asteroid
b) rock
c) meteroid
d) meteor

Small meteoroid that burns upon entry of Earth's atmosphere:
a) star
b) rocks
c) meteorites
d) meteor

Something that orbits around another object:
a) satellite
b) star
c) gravity
d) sun

The force of attraction that pulls objects toward each other and controls the motion of our solar system
a) push
b) pull
c) gravity
d) the sun

The luminous celestial body around which Earth and other planets revolve and from which they receive heat and light:
a) the sun
b) Earth
c) outer space
d) rocks

A celestial body that revolves around a planet:
a) gravity
b) other planets
c) sun
d) moon

A celestial body of ice, dust, and rock with an elongated and elliptical orbit:
a) comet
b) stars
c) Earth
d) meteors

Remains of meteoroids that strike the surface of Earth or the moon:
a) comets
b) meteorites
c) stars
d) satellites

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