World Cultures - Unit 1 - Review Game 8 Question Preview (ID: 61941)

Chapter 4. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which term is a way of understanding the world through observation and testing of ideas?
a) science
b) universal theme
c) popular culture
d) migration

Which term is the process of leaving one place to live in another?
a) culture
b) popular culture
c) science
d) migration

Which is a humanitarian organization?
a) United Nations
b) English
c) International Red Cross
d) Mali

Humanitarian aid can include medical help and aid to refugees.
a) true
b) false

Which term means the rate at which a population is changing?
a) rate of natural increase
b) cultural diffusion
c) universal theme
d) rate of migration

The wealth of cultural elements that is passed down from generation to generation is called a heritage.
a) true
b) false

A high rate of population increase can make it hard for a country to develop economically.
a) true
b) false

Cultural diversity can create an interesting mix of ideas as well as conflict.
a) true
b) false

The spread of culture traits from one region to another is known as __________.
a) birthrate
b) culture region
c) innovation
d) cultural diffusion

When one group conquers another, the culture of the defeated group is the only one that changes.
a) true
b) false

A __________ is a timeless message about life and human nature that is meaningful in all places.
a) social institution
b) ethnic group
c) universal theme
d) popular culture

A __________ is an activity or behavior in which people often take part.
a) culture trait
b) democracy
c) culture region
d) humanitarian aid

__________ increasingly ties countries together through culture and trade.
a) Popular culture
b) Interdependence
c) Migration
d) Globalization

__________ is a measure of the number of people living in an area.
a) Culture region
b) Population density
c) Birthrate
d) Social institution

Which term means a set of beliefs, values and practices that a group of people has in common?
a) rate of natural increase
b) popular country
c) United Nations
d) culture

Which term means a spread of culture traits?
a) popular country
b) science
c) universal theme
d) cultural diffusion

Which term means culture traits that are well known and widely accepted?
a) popular country
b) popular culture
c) universal theme
d) English

Which is a country with a high population growth rate?
a) English
b) Mali
c) United Nations
d) International Red Cross

Which is a major global language?
a) United Nations
b) International Red Cross
c) English
d) Mali

Which term means a timeless message about life or human nature that is meaningful in all places?
a) cultural diffusion
b) popular culture
c) popular country
d) universal theme

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