Chapter 1 - Captain Nobody Question Preview (ID: 61927)

Chapter 1 - Captain Nobody. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How do his parents act in this chapter?
a) interested in what he has to say
b) hungry
c) too busy to even talk to their kids
d) like Harley Quinn running from an angry hippopotamus

What is the older brother's name?
a) Newton
b) Chris
c) Allen
d) Bobby-Sue McJonesey Jones

Is the main character jealous of his older brother?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Umm....I am jealous
d) Peanut butter and jealous????

What gross meal did mom make?
a) raw bacon with milk on it
b) blueberry pancakes
c) fruity pebbles cereal
d) sushi

How does he wake up his older brother?
a) uses a really loud alarm clock
b) He hits him with pillows
c) He yells 'hit the showers'
d) He tells his dad

Who makes breakfast?
a) Chris
b) Mom
c) Dad
d) Newton

What is the main character's name?
a) Newton Newman
b) Chris Newman
c) Devin Newman
d) Mrs. Romano

Why is the older brother well-known?
a) He is a basketball star.
b) He is a football star.
c) He has his own lawnmowing business.
d) He used to act in movies.

How does the main character say he feels at the end of the chapter?
a) happy
b) relaxed
c) excited
d) steamed

Is football important in their city?
a) yes
b) no
c) Not sure. I'll ask Leon Hahnspanadendor and let you know.
d) Leon Hahnspanadendor would just lie anyway.

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