World Cultures - Unit 1 - Review Game 4 Question Preview (ID: 61916)

Chapter 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is precipitation that flows over land into rivers and oceans?
a) lava
b) glacier
c) weathering
d) runoff

What is one complete spin of Earth on its axis?
a) revolution
b) rotation
c) runoff
d) plate tectonics

What is the process of breaking rock into smaller pieces?
a) runoff
b) lava
c) plate tectonics
d) weathering

What is large areas of slow-moving ice?
a) water cycle
b) surface water
c) tropics
d) glacier

What is magma that reaches Earth's surface?
a) glacier
b) lava
c) tropics
d) drought

What is the circulation of water from Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back?
a) rotation
b) revolution
c) water cycle
d) weathering

What is long periods of lower-than-normal precipitation?
a) runoff
b) tropics
c) surface water
d) drought

What is Earth's yearly trip around the sun?
a) rotation
b) plate tectonics
c) revolution
d) runoff

What is water that is found in Earth's streams, rivers, and lakes?
a) water cycle
b) surface water
c) glacier
d) drought

What is the distance north or south of the equator?
a) rotation
b) runoff
c) lava
d) latitude

One important use of water is that it can be used to produce electricity.
a) true
b) false

If mid-ocean ridges grow high enough, they can rise above the surface of the ocean to form volcanic islands.
a) true
b) false

As the sun heats water on Earth's surface, some of that water turns to water vapor.
a) true
b) false

The Northern and Southern hemispheres experience summer at the same time.
a) true
b) false

Earth's __________ is an imaginary line around which it turns.
a) rotation
b) axis
c) latitude
d) tilt

__________ is the most common cause of erosion.
a) Weather events
b) Weathering
c) Seasonal winds
d) Water

Antartica receives direct rays from the sun all year and has colder temperatures than places like Hawaii.
a) true
b) false

Earthquakes often occur when two __________ slide past each other.
a) continents
b) volcanos
c) plates
d) landforms

Most of Earth's salt water is stored in __________.
a) wells
b) aquifers
c) oceans
d) storage tanks

The theory of __________ helps explain how forces below Earth's surface have shaped our landforms.
a) plate tectonics
b) eruption patterns
c) high latitudes
d) continental drift

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