Space Vocab 1 - Orbital Patterns Question Preview (ID: 61903)

The Vocabulary Focuses On Orbital Patterns In Our Solar System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the term for the spin of a planet on its axis?
a) revolution
b) rotation
c) orbit

Period is how long it takes for Earth to rotate one time. How long is that?
a) 1 month
b) 1 year
c) 24 hours

What is the term that describes one complete trip around the Sun?
a) period
b) rotation
c) revolution

Which direction is prograde rotation, like the Sun?
a) clockwise
b) counter-clockwise
c) both

Which direction is retograde rotation, opposite of the Sun?
a) clockwise
b) couter-clockwise
c) both

Which term describes the amount of matter in an object?
a) gravity
b) weight
c) mass
d) orbit

Which term is a measurement of how much gravity is pulling on a mass?
a) gravity
b) weight
c) mass
d) period

What is the time it takes for Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun?
a) 1 month
b) 1 day
c) 1 year

What is the term for the imaginary line that runs through the Earth's North and South poles?
a) axis
b) longitude
c) equator

What is the name of the force that keeps planets in orbit around the Sun?
a) gravity
b) friction
c) magnetism

What is the term for the path an object takes around another object in space?
a) revolution
b) rotation
c) orbit

What is the name of the phenomenon when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon and Earth's shadow can be seen??
a) lunar eclipse
b) solar eclipse
c) solar flare

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