Science Chapter 1 Question Preview (ID: 61900)

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Our sun is ________________ away from Earth.
a) less than 1 light year
b) more than 1 light year
c) about 3 light years
d) more than 10 light years

A scientist who studies stars, planets, and other objects in the universe is called a
a) A. meteorologist
b) B. geologist
c) C. astrologer
d) D. astronomer

Which of the following are part of the solar system we live in?
a) the sun
b) Jupiter
c) Earth
d) All of the Above

During the day only our sun can be seen….
a) Other stars can’t be seen because stars constantly explode and cannot be seen anymore.
b) Other stars can’t be seen because they are no longer in outer space.
c) Other stars can’t be seen because our sun is too bright.
d) Other stars turn off during the day

Our sun is the biggest stars in the universe.
a) True
b) False

Stars are all the same distance from Earth.
a) True
b) False

People used to think the stars where in a shell surrounding Earth.
a) True
b) False

What is the unit of measurement used to measure how far the stars are from Earth?
a) miles
b) light years
c) kilometers
d) galaxies

When stars in a constellation look like they are close together…
a) it means all the stars in the constellation must be the same distance from Earth.
b) it means all the stars in the constellations must be very close to each other in outer space.
c) it means they are the same size
d) that doesn’t mean they are close to each other in outer space.

To make a visual picture in your head of what you are learning means you are...
a) modeling
b) visualizing
c) practicing
d) experimenting

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