5 Themes Of Geography Question Preview (ID: 61899)

Identify The 5 Themes Of Geography And Examples. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

My family took a plane when we went to California. This is an example of which theme?
a) Place
b) Location
c) Movement
d) Human Environment Interaction

Disney and Universal are both in Orlando but Disney has more shows and rides for kids than Universal does. This is an example of which theme?
a) Place
b) Region
c) Human Environment Interaction
d) Movement

James is a surfer since he lives near the ocean. This is an example of which theme?
a) Human Environment Interaction
b) Place
c) Region
d) Location

If you tell someone that your house is on Main Street next to the fire station, you are using which theme?
a) Place
b) Region
c) Location
d) Movement

Which theme answers the question: How do people and the environment change each other?
a) Place
b) Human Environment Interaction
c) Movement
d) Region

Which theme answers the question: How are places alike and different?
a) Region
b) Place
c) Location
d) Movement

Which theme answers the question: How do people and ideas get from one place to another?
a) Location
b) Place
c) Human Environment Interaction
d) Movement

Which theme answers the question: Where is it?
a) Location
b) Place
c) Human Environment Interaction
d) Region

Which theme answers the question: What is it like there?
a) Region
b) Movement
c) Place
d) Region

When went downstairs, I could smell bacon cooking and hear the coffee brewing. This is an exmaple of which theme?
a) Place
b) Movement
c) Human Environment Interaction
d) Location

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