Identify The Element From Bohr Model Question Preview (ID: 61889)

Practice Identifying Elements From Models. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Identify element from model

a) nitrogen
b) carbon
c) boron
d) oxygen

Identify element from model

a) oxygen
b) nitrogen
c) carbon
d) boron

Identify element from model

a) fluorine
b) magnesium
c) sodium
d) neon

Identify element from model

a) magnesium
b) neon
c) sodium
d) fluorine

Identify element from model

a) lithium
b) hydrogen
c) helium
d) beryllium

Identify element from model

a) helium
b) lithium
c) beryllium
d) hydrogen

Identify element from model

a) hydrogen
b) helium
c) lithium
d) beryllium

Identify element from model

a) beryllium
b) lithium
c) helium
d) hydrogen

Identify element from model

a) carbon
b) boron
c) nitrogen
d) oxygen

Identify element from model

a) boron
b) carbon
c) nitrogen
d) oxygen

Identify element from model

a) sodium
b) magnesium
c) neon
d) fluorine

Identify element from model

a) neon
b) magnesium
c) sodium
d) fluorine

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