World War 1 Question Preview (ID: 61880)
5th Grade World War 1 Social Studies.
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Conflict fought between the Central Powers and Allied Powers from 1914-1918
a) World War 1
b) Spanish American War
c) World War 2
d) Lusitania
When one country takes over another country
a) imperialism
b) isolationism
c) nationalism
d) militarism
the feeling that countries should not get involved in other counries
a) isolationism
b) imperialism
c) nationalism
d) militarism
Having a strong love and pride for one's country
a) nationalism
b) isolationism
c) militarism
d) imperialism
area between the trenches on the battlefield
a) no mans land
b) forbidden territory
c) trench warfare
d) world war 1
International organization formed to prevent war and promote peace
a) league of Nations
b) Treaty of Paris
c) Treaty of Versailles
Agreement between countries to support each other in time of war
a) alliance
b) nationalism
c) isolationism
d) treaty
a type of warfare where each side fought from ditches dug into the ground for protection
a) trench warfare
b) no mans land
c) death battlefield
d) Zimmerman note
Signed in 1919, officially ending world war 1
a) Treaty of Versailles
b) Treaty of Paris
c) League of Nations
the belief that building up a strong military is most important for a country
a) militarism
b) isolationism
c) imperialism
d) alliance
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