Riddle (Part Of Body) Question Preview (ID: 61817)
Riddle For Reading.
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I am a part of your body. I am between your shoulders and your hands. The mother uses them to carry her baby. Guess what I am.
a) ear
b) arm
c) knee
d) nose
I am a part of your body. I grow on your head and some other parts of your body. I am black and brown. Guess what I am.
a) hair
b) eyebrown
c) moustache
d) mouth
I am a part of your body. When you sit down, you must bend me. I am between your thighs and ankle. Guess I am.
a) leg
b) foot
c) knee
d) stomach
I am a part of your body. I am long. You use me when you stand or walk. Guess what I am.
a) arm
b) shoulder
c) hair
d) leg
I am kind of hair. I grow on men's upper lips. Guess what I am.
a) moustache
b) hair
c) eyebrown
d) ear
I am part of your body. I am between your jaws and chest. Guess what I am.
a) mouth
b) nose
c) neck
d) eyes
I am on your face. I have two holes. You use me to smell and breathe. Guess what I am.
a) ear
b) hand
c) elbow
d) nose
I am one of the five sisters. I am between the thumb and the middle finger. Guess what I am.
a) ankle
b) pointer
c) heel
d) waist
I am white. I am in your mouth. I help you bite and chew food. You must brush me every morning. Guess what I am.
a) teeth
b) eye
c) togue
d) cheeck
I am pink. I am in your mouth. I help you talk and taste food or things. You want to eat. Guess what I am.
a) lip
b) togue
c) teeth
d) palm
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