Topic 6 Lesson 6: Ancient Greek Beliefs And Arts Question Preview (ID: 61781)

Ancient Greek Beliefs And Arts. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The most likely reason why an ancient Greek might worship more than one god is that
a) each god offered help in different areas of life.
b) he or she wasn't sure which of the gods was real.
c) the popularity of different gods changed over time.
d) he or she became bored with one god and moved on to another.

People still read Greek myths today mainly because
a) they still worship ancient Greek gods.
b) human nature has not changed.
c) they are better than modern literature.
d) they want to know how people lived in ancient Greece.

The main purpose of the ancient Olympic games was to
a) honor the god Zeus.
b) generate advertising revenue.
c) promote athletes' careers.
d) resolve conflicts between city-states.

Ancient Greek sculpture and architecture
a) no longer have much appeal today.
b) still serve as models for artists and architects.
c) showed the imperfections of gods and people.
d) were dazzling white as a sign of purity.

What is the most important connection between ancient Greek drama and modern theater?
a) Modern plays often involve Greek gods and goddesses.
b) Playwrights today still find inspiration in Greek tragedies.
c) Playwrights today often use choruses to comment on the action.
d) Modern comedies often draw on ancient Greek themes.

Polytheism means...
a) collection of myths or stories that people tell about their gods and heroes
b) in ancient Greece, an athletic competition held every four years in honor of Zeus
c) worship of many gods
d) poetic songs

Mythology means...
a) worship of many gods
b) collection of myths or stories that people tell about their gods and heroes
c) in ancient Greece, an athletic competition held every four years in honor of Zeus
d) in ancient Greece, a group of people who commented on the action of a play and advised the characters

Olympic Games means...
a) Poetic songs
b) worship of many gods
c) in ancient Greece, an athletic competition held every four years in honor of Zeus
d) in ancient Greece, an athletic competition held every four years in honor of Zeus

Lyric Poetry means...
a) Poetic songs
b) worship of many gods
c) collection of myths or stories that people tell about their gods and heroes
d) in ancient Greece, an athletic competition held every four years in honor of Zeus

Chorus means...
a) Poetic songs
b) in ancient Greece, a group of people who commented on the action of a play and advised the characters
c) in ancient Greece, an athletic competition held every four years in honor of Zeus
d) collection of myths or stories that people tell about their gods and heroes

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