Word Parts Pro-, Com-, Con- Question Preview (ID: 61771)

Choose Words With Correct Word Parts. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Can you ______ me with some examples to support your argument for Social Studies debate?
a) provide
b) progress
c) community
d) contrast

Let's _______ the blue and yellow paint to create a vibrant green color.
a) compress
b) concert
c) provide
d) combine

It took several rounds of discussions, but they finally reached a _______ on the best course of action.
a) consensus
b) protection
c) protective
d) provide

The loyal dog was a faithful _________, always by his side through thick and thin.
a) concert
b) combination
c) companion
d) promotion

After years of hard work, she finally received a well-deserved ______ at her job.
a) conversation
b) progress
c) promotion
d) community

He used a hydraulic press to ________ the metal into a compact shape.
a) compress
b) consensus
c) conversation
d) propel

The powerful engine's thrust helped ______ the rocket into outer space.
a) compress
b) propel
c) conversation
d) promotion

The Latin or Greek word part pro- means ____ and ______.
a) forward or before
b) forward or backward
c) with or together
d) foward and for

The Latin word parts com- and con- both mean ____ or _____.
a) before and after
b) with and before
c) together forever
d) with or together

Wearing sunscreen is essential for the ___________of your skin from harmful UV rays.
a) provide
b) protection
c) compress
d) contrast

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