Word Parts Anti-, Mid-. Trans- Question Preview (ID: 61770)

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crossing the Atlantic Ocean
a) transocean
b) transatlantic
c) midatlantic
d) trasnatlantic ocean

allowing light through
a) translight
b) antilight
c) translucent
d) midlight

the middle of the week
a) midterm
b) midwife
c) antiweek
d) midweek

a force or concept that acts against gravity
a) antigravity
b) midgravity
c) transgravity
d) angravity

across the nation
a) antinational
b) midnational
c) transnational
d) pronational

opposed to slavery
a) antibiotic
b) midslavery
c) antislavery
d) transslavery

The word part trans- means ____ and _____
a) across and through
b) middle
c) across and back
d) against and support

The word part anti- means ______ and _______.
a) across and opposed
b) against and opposed
c) middle
d) ant and aunt

middle of the night
a) midevening
b) midday
c) midnight
d) transnight

a medicine that works against harmful bacteria
a) antimedicine
b) transmedicine
c) midmedicine
d) antibiotic

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