Points, Lines, Planes Question Preview (ID: 61756)

Geometry Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Two lines intersect at exactly _________ point(s)
a) one
b) two
c) zero
d) three

A flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions
a) plane
b) line
c) angle
d) ray

A ___________ has no size or shape
a) ray
b) segment
c) plane
d) point

Coplanar points are points which
a) are on the same line
b) are in the same plane
c) create parallel lines
d) create an angle

Two points that lie on the same line are known as
a) collinear points
b) coplanar points
c) an angle
d) a ray

A line and a plane intersect at exactly ________ point(s)
a) two
b) zero
c) one
d) three

A line is named by
a) one point on the line
b) its endpoints
c) three points on the line
d) any two points on the line

Two rays joined at their end points create an
a) segment
b) angle
c) plane
d) coplanar points

a plane is
a) a set of at least 10 points
b) two lines that never intersect
c) a flat surface that extends forever in all directions
d) another name for an angle

A plane can be named by
a) any three points in the plane
b) one point in the plane
c) two points in the plane
d) four points in the plane

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