Topic 6 Lesson 3: Oligarchy In Sparta Question Preview (ID: 61755)

Topic 6 Lesson 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was the most important role of ephors in ancient Sparta?
a) They controlled the helots.
b) They made sure that kings followed the law.
c) They led the assembly.
d) They presented laws for the kings’ approval.

The status of the helots was a result of their:
a) wealth
b) inheritance
c) defeat
d) military strength

Sparta was organized as a military state because of fear of the:
a) ephors
b) oligarchs
c) democrats
d) helots

On a given day, how were Spartan boys most likely to spend their time?
a) spear throwing
b) having meals with their families
c) studying Greek philosophy
d) playing games just for fun

In what area did Sparta differ most from Athens?
a) the role of the city’s assembly
b) the city’s economic basis
c) the city’s overall military strength
d) the exclusion of women from politics

An Ephor is:
a) Messenian person forced to work as a lowly farmer by Sparta
b) Society organized for the purpose of waging war
c) Man responsible for the day-to-day operation of the government in Sparta
d) Military housing

Helot is:
a) Messenian person forced to work as a lowly farmer by Sparta
b) Society organized for the purpose of waging war
c) Man responsible for the day-to-day operation of the government in Sparta
d) Military housing

Military state is:
a) Messenian person forced to work as a lowly farmer by Sparta
b) Society organized for the purpose of waging war
c) Man responsible for the day-to-day operation of the government in Sparta
d) Military housing

Barracks is:
a) Messenian person forced to work as a lowly farmer by Sparta
b) Society organized for the purpose of waging war
c) Man responsible for the day-to-day operation of the government in Sparta
d) Military housing

True or False: Sparta is near the sea.
a) True
b) False
c) Do not click
d) Do not click

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