Australia Quiz Question Preview (ID: 61745)

Australia Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Australia's type of government is known as...
a) Unlimited
b) Communist
c) a Republic

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest ______ in the world
a) desert
b) coral reef
c) savanna
d) interior plain

The man who is credited with first landing a European ship of settlers on Australia's shores is _________.
a) Admiral Perry
b) Captain James Naismith
c) Captain James Cook

The first permanent European settlers in Australia were mostly...
a) ship builders
b) hunters
c) farmers
d) convicts

The money used in Australia is known as...
a) Francs
b) Dollars
c) Pesos
d) Euros

What is NOT a major export from Australia?
a) Wool
b) Meat
c) Dairy
d) Machines

A major part of Australia's economy is...
a) Lumber
b) Agriculture
c) Robotics
d) Medical

A plant, animal, or person who is native to an area is known as...
a) settlers
b) invasive
c) indigenous

Aboriginal people originally came from
a) Asia
b) Europe
c) Africa
d) South America

The large interior desert area of Australia is known as....
a) industrialization
b) coral bleaching
c) the Great Barrier Reef
d) the Outback

The capital city of Australia is...
a) Canberra
b) Sydney
c) Brisbane
d) Melbourne

Australia is NOT a...
a) Country
b) City
c) Continent

Australia gained its independence from which European country?
a) New Zealand
b) England
c) France
d) Germany

Why were Aboriginal children removed from their homes in the early 1900s?
a) There was a food shortage and families could not support children.
b) Disease struck New Zealand and Australia
c) New Zealand and Australia were at war
d) To eliminate traces of Aboriginal culture

Most common language spoken in Australia
a) English
b) French
c) Spanish
d) Aboriginal

People who are native to Australia
a) Maori
b) English
c) Aborigines
d) Dreamtime

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