BODY SYSTEMS Question Preview (ID: 61742)

BODY SYSTEMS. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which body system sends messages to the brain?
a) nervous
b) muscular
c) circulatory
d) digestive

What is the main function of the nervous system?
a) clean waste from the cells
b) absorb nutrients for energy
c) deliver nutrients to the cells
d) deliver messages to the brain

Which best describes a function of the circulatory system?
a) to bring in nutrients into the body and break them down so they may be used by cells
b) helps the body move
c) provide oxygen into the body
d) transport nutrients and oxygen to all of the cells and remove waste

In which system of the human body does the heart belong?
a) skeletal system
b) respiratory system
c) cardiovascular system
d) digestive system

Which are parts of the digestive system?
a) mouth, trachea, stomach, intestines
b) nose, trachea, lungs
c) mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines
d) brain, spinal cord, nerves

Which best explains how the muscular system relies on the respiratory system?
a) The respiratory system cools the muscular system.
b) The respiratory system acts as the support system for the muscular system.
c) The respiratory system brings oxygen into the body for the muscular system to use.
d) The respiratory system delivers nutrients to the muscular system.

Which best describes the function of the skeletal system?
a) It transports oxygen to cells and tissues.
b) It gives shape and support to the human body.
c) It takes in and breaks down all necessary nutrients for the body.
d) It helps cells get rid of waste.

A friend of yours has asthma. Asthma is a condition that makes it hard to breathe. Which system would this mostly affect?
a) circulatory system
b) cardiovascular system
c) respiratory system
d) digestive system

Which of the following organs does not belong to the cardiovascular system?
a) heart
b) lungs
c) veins
d) blood

What is the function of the heart?
a) The heart is responsible for making blood.
b) The heart is responsible for bringing in oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.
c) The heart is responsible for pumping blood all around the body.
d) The heart is responsible for helping the body move.

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