Producers, Consumers, Decomposers Question Preview (ID: 61741)

Producers, Consumers And Decomposers. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

As Jenna was riding the bus to school she noticed a deer had been hit by a car and was lying on the side of the road. A few weeks later she saw that most of the deer was gone. What happened to the deer?
a) The deer decomposed and the nutrients were put back into the soil.
b) The deer evaporated and turned into a gas.
c) The deer was eaten by producers.
d) The deer was eaten by herbivores.

An organisms gets its nutrients by eating only plants. Which is the best way to classify the organism?
a) The deer decomposed and the nutrients were put back into the soil.
b) The deer evaporated and turned into a gas.
c) The deer was eaten by producers.
d) The deer was eaten by herbivores.

Which best describes an ecosystem?
a) The deer decomposed and the nutrients were put back into the soil.
b) The deer evaporated and turned into a gas.
c) The deer was eaten by producers.
d) The deer was eaten by herbivores.

Which is one way that energy is transferred in a food chain?
a) The deer decomposed and the nutrients were put back into the soil.
b) The deer evaporated and turned into a gas.
c) The deer was eaten by producers.
d) The deer was eaten by herbivores.

How does bacteria affect ferns in a deciduous forest?
a) The deer decomposed and the nutrients were put back into the soil.
b) The deer evaporated and turned into a gas.
c) The deer was eaten by producers.
d) The deer was eaten by herbivores.

What best compares predator and prey?
a) The deer decomposed and the nutrients were put back into the soil.
b) The deer evaporated and turned into a gas.
c) The deer was eaten by producers.
d) The deer was eaten by herbivores.

Which describes how a consumer uses a producer to get energy?
a) The deer decomposed and the nutrients were put back into the soil.
b) The deer evaporated and turned into a gas.
c) The deer was eaten by producers.
d) The deer was eaten by herbivores.

My friend's frog will only eat insects. What category would his frog be placed?
a) producer
b) herbivore
c) carnivore
d) omnivore

We went to the Asheboro Zoo and saw several different types of organisms eating various foods. All of these organisms could be placed into which category?
a) herbivores
b) carnivores
c) omnivores
d) consumers

Which organism is a producer?
a) bacteria
b) deer
c) grass
d) water

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