NC EOC Biology Review Question Preview (ID: 61739)

Released EOC 2019. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is a primary function of a vacuole in a cell?
a) enzyme production
b) protein synthesis
c) storage
d) reproduction

What determines the function of a specialized cell?
a) they type of RNA in the cell
b) the number of ribosomes in the cell
c) the number of chromosomes in the cell
d) the active genes in the cell

In nature, which type of behavior causes animals to produce aggressive displays and sounds?
a) imprinting
b) territoriality
c) conditioning
d) habituation

What will most likely occur if the population of the world continues to increase at predicted rates?
a) There will be an increase in biodiversity as a result of improvements in technology.
b) There will be more rapid depletion of natural resources
c) The human race will rapidly become extinct
d) All human diseases will be eliminated.

What will most likely happen if a nonnative species is introduced into a stable ecosystem?
a) The native species will change their diet, and the ecosystem will remain stable.
b) The native species will move to another area and the ecosystem will remain stable.
c) The native species will have to compete for resources with the nonnative species and the ecosystem will become unbalanced
d) The native species will share their food with the introduced species and the ecosystem will become unstable

Why must DNA replication occur before a cell can divide by mitosis?
a) to maintain the same number of chromosomes in the daughter cells as in the parent cell
b) to cause one of the cells produced to have double the number of chromosomes as the parent cell
c) to allow crossing over to occur in each of the cells produced
d) to cause all of the cells produced to have half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell

During which phase of the cell cycle does most cell growth occur?
a) cytokinesis
b) interphase
c) prophase
d) mitosis

A section of DNA has these bases: TAG CAG TAC. Which mRNA sequence is produced from this DNA sequence?

Which process can occur in both mitosis and meiosis?
a) fertilization
b) independent assortment
c) gene mutation
d) crossing over

How do some chemicals increase the risk of a person getting cancer?
a) by causing cell mutations
b) by causing a deficiency in vitamin D
c) by causing an increase of toxins in the skin
d) by causing a decrease in the immune response

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