Severe Weather: Winter Storms Question Preview (ID: 61733)

Winter Storm Information. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is not true about wind chill?
a) The wind chill is what the air outside will feel like on your exposed skin.
b) The winter wind makes a cold temperature feel even colder.
c) It only occurs during the winter months.
d) It can happen any time of the year.

What is true about Lake Effect Snow?
a) Cold air passing over a large body of water can create intense, localized snowstorms on the far shore.
b) It is what the air outside will feel like on your exposed skin.
c) It is It is simply a brief, light snow fall that probably won’t lead to any accumulation on the ground.
d) It is not real snow.

What is a light snow fall that probably won’t lead to any accumulation on the ground called?
a) A blizzard
b) A snowstorm
c) A flurry
d) None of these

When is a winter storm warning issued?
a) A warning issued when conditions could cause dangerous situations (such as icy roads or sidewalks).
b) When a lot of snow or sleet is expected in the next few hours or day.
c) A warning issued when severe winter conditions may affect your area.
d) All of these

What is freezing rain?
a) Rain that turns to ice before reaching the ground.
b) Ice pellets that form many layers when they bounce in the atmosphere.
c) Ice crystals that clump together.
d) Rain that freezes when it hits the ground

What is rain that turns to ice before reaching the ground.
a) Sleet
b) Hail
c) Freezing Rain
d) Snow

What is true about hypothermia?
a) Hypothermia is an extremely low body temperature.
b) Hypothermia can be fatal.
c) Symptoms include shivering, numbness, and impaired judgement.
d) All of these are true.

What is true about frostbite?
a) A medical condition when skin or body tissue is damaged from freezing.
b) Symptoms include numbness and a waxy or discolored appearance.
c) Frostbite is rarely fatal but in severe cases can result in the affected parts needing to be amputated.
d) All of these are true

What do you need in order to be classified as a blizzard?
a) Winds in excess of 35 mph
b) Visibility of less than a 1/4 mile
c) Snow or blowing snow for 3 hours
d) All of these

What is not true about an ice storm?
a) The U.S. National Weather Service defines an ice storm as a storm which results in the accumulation of at least 0.25-inch of
b) An ice storm is a type of winter storm caused by freezing rain.
c) It is white ice crystals that form on a surface, like the ground or leaves of a plant.
d) It can cause trees limbs or power lines to break.

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