Driver's Educaiton Question Preview (ID: 61730)

Practice For The Driver's Education Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When entering traffic from being parked at a curb, you should do which of the following?
a) Wait for the first vehicle to pass and then enter traffic
b) drive slower than other traffic for the first quarter mile
c) give yourself enough time and space to get up to the speed of other drivers
d) accelerate and merge into traffic as soon as possible

In North Carolina, which of the following is a moving violation?
a) running a red light
b) following to closely
c) failure to yield right of way
d) all of the above

When driving at night, it is important to:
a) stop slowly
b) use high beams at all times
c) take extra care to watch for pedestrians
d) allow yourself time to stop within the range of your headlights

When planning to turn at an intersection, you should begin to use your turn signal
a) at least 25 feet before the inersection
b) at least 50 feet before the intersection
c) when you come to a complete stop
d) at least 100 feet before the intersection

On a road with no sidewalks, a pedestrian should walk
a) down the center line of the highway
b) on the side of the road facing oncoming traffic
c) on the side of the road in the same direction as traffic
d) none of these

Regarding traffic circles, or roundabouts, you have the right of way in which of the following circumstances?
a) when you are already in the circle
b) when you are entering the circle
c) when you are turning out of the circle
d) none of these

In North Carolina, if you are convicted of driving more than 15mph over the speed limit if you are driving at a speed over 55mph, which of the following will happen?
a) you will be fined
b) your car will be impounded
c) your driving privilege will be revoked for at least 30 days
d) you will have to take a mandatory driver's education class

To be most effective, seatbelts should be worn:
a) by the driver
b) by the driver and passengers in inclement weather
c) by the driver and all passengers whenever they are in the car
d) by passengers only in the front seat

Which of the following is an eight point offense in North Carolina?
a) Passing a stopped school bus
b) no liability insurance
c) running a stop sign
d) failure to yield right of way

When turning from one of three turn lanes, which lane should you end up in after the turn is complete?
a) the right lane
b) the left lane
c) the middle lane
d) the lane you started in

when driving in fog it is best to
a) keep flashing your lights at oncoming motorists
b) keep your low beams on
c) keep your high beams on
d) drive with your hazard lights on

When approaching an intersection, if the light changes from green to yellow, you should do which of the following
a) accelerate to make it before the light changes
b) slow down and be prepared to stop before the intersection
c) hit the brakes hard and come to an immediate stop
d) none of the above

An illegal passing zone is indicated by which of the following?
a) a dashed yellow line
b) a double yellow line
c) a dashed white line
d) a double white line

In North Carolina, a first DWI conviction will result in
a) two month suspension of your license
b) three month suspension of your license
c) one year revocation of your license
d) two year revocation of your license

When you see lowered cross bars at a railroad crossing, you should:
a) drive between them to beat the train
b) wait until the train passes to cross
c) check to see if the train is a safe distance away and cross
d) none of the above

Children under what age are prohibited from riding in the back of a truck in North Carolina?
a) ten
b) twelve
c) eight
d) sixteen

In general, you should pass cars going in the same direction as you are going
a) on the right
b) on the left
c) at any point you have the chance
d) at a slower rate of speed

If your car breaks down in traffic, you should:
a) go to the center of the highway and flag down assistance
b) use the hazard lights to alert other drivers
c) stand in front of your car until someone stops
d) honk your horn until help arrives

When passing another vehicle, you may safely return to your lane when:
a) you feel it is safe to do so
b) you are a half mile past the other driver
c) you can see the other driver's headlights in your rearview mirror
d) fifteen seconds have elapsed since you initiated the pass

All vehicles must yield the right of way to emergency vehicles, EXCEPT:
a) transfer trucks
b) school buses
c) vehicles traveling in the opposite direction on a four lane highway with a median
d) vehicles traveling in the opposite direction on a two lane highway

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