The Conservative Tide (Chapter 25 US History) Question Preview (ID: 61728)

Understand The Political And Social Events Of The 1980s And Early 1990s. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

During the early 1980s, conservatives objected to what they believed were excesses in
a) big business.
b) military spending.
c) free enterprise.
d) government regulation.

The Strategic Defense Initiative was an extremely costly
a) bomber.
b) communications system.
c) missile defense system.
d) plan for international alliance.

In the 1980s, reports on education revealed that U.S. schools were
a) in danger of going bankrupt within ten years.
b) focusing too heavily on math and science.
c) performing better than those of most other industrialized nations.
d) performing worse than those of most other industrialized nations.

During Reagan’s presidency, federal spending increased most for
a) defense and the military.
b) urban mass transit in major cities.
c) job training and school loans.
d) environmental protection.

Fundamentalist Christian leader and televangelist Jerry Falwell formed the organization called
a) the New Right.
b) the Moral Majority.
c) the conservative coalition.
d) affirmative action.

President Reagan made a point of appointing administrators to the Environmental Protection Agency who were sympathetic to
a) business interests.
b) agricultural interests.
c) foreign interests.
d) environmental interests.

People who believe that reverse discrimination is a problem are worried about discrimination against
a) the poor.
b) white people.
c) minorities.
d) business owners.

Presidents Reagan and Bush were most successful in meeting their goal of
a) consistently lowering taxes.
b) cutting off the supply of illegal drugs.
c) problem-free federal deregulation.
d) making the Supreme Court more conservative.

When George H. W. Bush ran for president in 1988, his opponent was
a) Oliver North.
b) Walter Mondale.
c) Jimmy Carter.
d) Michael Dukakis.

People who support pay equity argue that women should be paid
a) for household work.
b) the same as men for doing the same jobs.
c) more than men, to make up for past discrimination.
d) more than men, to combat the feminization of poverty.

___ is an example of a result of an entitlement program.
a) The receipt of a Social Security check
b) The signing of the INF Treaty
c) The creation of the Moral Majority
d) The funding of the Strategic Defense Initiative

During the 1980s, the conservative coalition tended to support ___.
a) abortion rights
b) government deregulation
c) entitlement programs
d) affirmative action

___ was the goal of the program known as Star Wars.
a) National defense
b) Improved satellite communications
c) Space exploration
d) Increased competition in the airline industry

The main purpose of the tax cuts Reagan supported was to ___.
a) raise interest rates
b) allow women to leave the workforce
c) stimulate private investment
d) increase consumer spending on imports

According to the theory of supply-side economics, ___ is the first step toward creating a healthy economy.
a) raising taxes
b) increasing government spending
c) increasing interest rates
d) cutting taxes

A member of the New Right who objected to affirmative action was most likely to criticize it for ___.
a) resulting in discrimination against white men
b) benefiting only professional, white-collar workers
c) inaccurately determining who qualified as a minority
d) failing to adequately correct the injustices of the past

In an attempt to fill the Supreme Court with conservatives, Reagan nominated ___, the first woman ever appointed to the Court.
a) Anita Hill
b) Geraldine Ferraro
c) Peggy Noonan
d) Sandra Day O’Connor

In 1987, Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev announced his plans for ___, or a restructuring of the Soviet economy and government.
a) glasnost
b) Sandinista
c) perestroika
d) Contra

A direct result of the glasnost policy might be ___.
a) dismantling nuclear weapons
b) increasing the size of a nation
c) freedom of the press
d) reducing national debt

The system of ___ rated jobs based on what they required of workers.
a) pay equity
b) flexible hours
c) reverse discrimination
d) job sharing

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