An Era Of Social Change (Chapter 23 US History) Question Preview (ID: 61726)

Understand The Sweeping Social Protest Movements Of The 1960s And The Quest For Radical Change Initiated By Latinos, Native Americans, Women, And Young People. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

César Chávez used nonviolent means to organize Mexican-American
a) voters.
b) students.
c) farm workers.
d) factory workers.

The event that was most responsible for Chávez’s group gaining negotiating power was
a) a strike.
b) a protest march.
c) an act of Congress.
d) a national boycott.

In the 1970s, La Raza Unida focused its efforts on
a) educational reform.
b) electing Latinos to public office.
c) promoting cooperation between various Latino groups.
d) reclaiming land taken from Mexican landholders in the 19th century.

The Indian Education Act gave greater control over the education of Native Americans to
a) state governments.
b) Native American tribes.
c) the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
d) the American Indian Movement.

In the 1970s, the American Indian Movement organized all of the following except the
a) occupation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
b) occupation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
c) Trail of Broken Treaties march on Washington.
d) meeting that resulted in the Declaration of Indian Purpose.

The modern feminist movement became more organized and focused after the
a) passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
b) publication of The Feminine Mystique.
c) publication of the first issue of Ms. magazine.
d) founding of the National Women’s Political Caucus.

Phyllis Schlafly became well known for her efforts to
a) get the Equal Rights Amendment ratified.
b) defeat the Equal Rights Amendment.
c) organize radical demonstrations for women’s rights.
d) reverse the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade.

The members of the counterculture movement were mostly
a) entertainers, artists, and musicians.
b) Latinos and Native Americans.
c) poor urban youths.
d) white, middle-class college youths.

Conservatives placed the blame for the increasing permissiveness in society on
a) women and minorities.
b) Democrats.
c) campus rebels and the counterculture.
d) the Beatles.

The conservative reaction to the counterculture
a) was largely ineffective.
b) helped propel Richard M. Nixon into the White House.
c) set the nation on a more liberal course.
d) posed a danger to traditional values.

Which of the following describes the actions of César Chávez?
a) He ran for Congress as a liberal democrat.
b) He adopted the tactics of nonviolent protest.
c) He adopted the tactics of militant confrontation.
d) He protested against agricultural unionization.

Which of the following was most responsible for the UFWOC earning higher wages and better benefits for farm workers?
a) a strike
b) a national boycott
c) a protest march
d) an act of Congress

On which right did Native American groups focus in the 1961 Declaration of Indian Purpose?
a) privacy
b) property ownership
c) self-determination
d) religious freedom

What were the demonstrations organized by the American Indian Movement designed to do?
a) actively confront the federal government
b) passively resist the federal government
c) build an alliance with other minority groups
d) promote cooperation with the federal government

Whose book The Feminine Mystique inspired women to question their lives?
a) Phyllis Schlafly
b) Robin Morgan
c) Gloria Steinem
d) Betty Friedan

Which group was founded specifically to address the grievances of women that were not adequately addressed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
a) National Organization for Women
b) New Left
c) New Right
d) Ohio Women’s Suffrage Association

Which of the following best describes Phyllis Schlafly’s role in the women’s movement of the 1960s?
a) She joined the women’s movement and fought to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
b) She opposed the women’s movement and fought to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment.
c) She helped unite women and form the National Organization for Women.
d) She created a women’s magazine, Ms., that treated issues from a feminist perspective.

Which of the following is not considered a force that weakened the counterculture movement?
a) violent incidents
b) transcendental meditation
c) the effects of drug use
d) dependency on mainstream America

Which group played a key role in helping Ronald Reagan become president in 1980?
a) New Right
b) National Organization for Women
c) La Raza Unida
d) American Indian Movement

Whom did conservatives blame for the increasing permissiveness in American society?
a) women and minorities
b) the Beatles
c) democrats
d) campus rebels and the counterculture

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