The Vietnam War Years (Chapter 22 US History) Question Preview (ID: 61725)

Understand The Military And Political Events Of The Vietnam War In Southeast Asia And Its Impact On Life In The United States. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

___ was the United States’ main goal in Vietnam.
a) Reunifying Vietnam
b) Containing the spread of communism
c) Upholding the Geneva Accords
d) Negotiating a cease-fire agreement with North Vietnam

___ served as the commander of U.S. troops in Vietnam.
a) Dean Rusk
b) Robert McNamara
c) Clark Clifford
d) William Westmoreland

In the early years of the war, a young man could automatically be deferred from the draft by ___.
a) getting married
b) getting a job
c) enrolling in college
d) becoming a conscientious objector

___ did not occur in 1968.
a) The Tet Offensive
b) The assassination of Robert Kennedy
c) The U.S. invasion of Cambodia
d) The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

___ set off the first general student strike in U.S. history.
a) The invasion of Cambodia
b) The assassination of Robert Kennedy
c) The assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
d) Riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention

After World War II, the United States aided ___ in its efforts to keep control of Vietnam.
a) Japan
b) France
c) China
d) Britain

___ enabled North Vietnam to send troops to South Vietnam.
a) The Ho Chi Minh Trail
b) The strategic hamlet program
c) The fall of Dien Bien Phu
d) Operation Rolling Thunder

The main purpose of the War Powers Act was to ___.
a) expand the power of the military
b) restrict the power of the military
c) expand the power of the president
d) restrict the power of the president

___, founded by Tom Hayden and Al Haber, charged that corporations and large government institutions had taken over America.
a) Students for a Democratic Society
b) The New Left
c) The Free Speech Movement
d) The Hardhats

___ was/were most effective in convincing the American public that the war was not winnable.
a) Body counts
b) The Tet Offensive
c) The actions of Students for a Democratic Society
d) The invasion of Cambodia

In the 1968 presidential campaign, which of the following candidates would a dove most likely have favored?
a) George Wallace
b) Eugene McCarthy
c) Richard Nixon
d) Hubert Humphrey

Which of the following did President Nixon say would bring about “peace with honor” in Vietnam?
a) the Vietnamization of the war
b) the domino theory
c) the Americanization of the war
d) the Geneva Accords

Why did Congress pass the War Powers Act?
a) to allow military leaders more independence
b) to prevent tragedies like the My Lai massacre
c) to limit the president’s authority to wage war
d) to increase the president’s authority to wage war

Which president asked Congress for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution?
a) Richard Nixon
b) John Kennedy
c) Lyndon Johnson
d) Dwight Eisenhower

What was the main purpose of introducing the “body count”?
a) to persuade Americans that a Vietcong surrender was imminent
b) to motivate U.S. soldiers to desire revenge
c) to build antiwar sentiment in the United States
d) to show that the war could not be won without U.S. involvement

Which of the following statements regarding the Democratic candidates for president in the 1968 election is true?
a) Robert Kennedy was assassinated after narrowly losing the party’s nomination.
b) Hubert Humphrey was guaranteed the party’s nomination before the national convention took place.
c) Eugene McCarthy voluntarily dropped out of the race before the national convention took place.
d) Lyndon Johnson announced at the national convention that he would not seek the party’s nomination.

Which administration’s efforts to mislead the American people were revealed by the publication of the Pentagon Papers?
a) Richard Nixon’s
b) John Kennedy’s
c) Lyndon Johnson’s
d) Dwight Eisenhower’s

Which of the following statements best defines the domino theory?
a) If one country falls to communism, others in the region will fall, too.
b) Communism will topple the global economy.
c) Communism will cause the fall of the United States.
d) Socialist governments are a threat to freedom.

Against whom did the ARVN fight?
a) France
b) North Vietnam
c) United States
d) South Vietnam

Which statement best summarizes the opinion of Martin Luther King, Jr., about African-American troops in the Vietnam War?
a) He was happy and proud that these men could serve their country.
b) He believed it was unfair that they were fighting for a country that treated them unfairly at home.
c) He believed that the number of African Americans fighting was proportionate to the population.
d) He believed that if African Americans displayed courage on the battlefield, they would earn civil rights at home.

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