Civil Rights (Chapter 21 US History) Question Preview (ID: 61724)

Understand The African-American Struggle For Civil Rights During The 1950s And 1960s. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following affirmed the legality of racial segregation and prompted the passage of Jim Crow laws?
a) the Fourteenth Amendment
b) the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson
c) the Civil Rights Act of 1875
d) the decision in Morgan v. Virginia

Which doctrine relating to public education was overturned by the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education?
a) due process of law
b) “all deliberate speed”
c) “separate but equal”
d) equal protection of the law

According to the Kerner Commission, what was the main cause of urban violence?
a) white racism
b) black nationalism
c) school segregation
d) de jure segregation

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made segregation illegal in which of the following?
a) housing
b) private universities
c) churches
d) public accommodations

What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 enable federal officials to do?
a) register voters
b) oversee programs to test voter literacy
c) oversee the collection of poll taxes
d) recount votes

The Civil Rights Act of 1968 banned discrimination in which activity?
a) hiring an employee
b) awarding a construction contract
c) selling or renting a home
d) admitting students to state universities

Which of the following is not associated with the Black Power movement?
a) Malcolm X
b) the Black Panthers
c) Stokely Carmichael
d) the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

What was the main type of pressure exerted by the Montgomery Improvement Association in response to segregation on buses?
a) social
b) political
c) economic
d) physical force

Which of the following was not advocated by the Black Panthers?
a) nonviolence
b) black nationalism
c) Black Power
d) community development

Which of the following is an example of de facto segregation?
a) poll taxes
b) Jim Crow laws
c) a concentration of urban African Americans in slum areas
d) a voter literacy test given to African Americans in the South

In Brown v. Board of Education, the doctrine of ___ relating to public education was finally overturned.
a) due process of law
b) “all deliberate speed”
c) “separate but equal”
d) equal protection under the law

Events such as ___ helped set the stage for the civil rights movement.
a) the rise of the Black Power movement
b) the Civil Rights Act of 1968
c) better access to good jobs during World War II
d) the policy of apartheid in South Africa

The first organized movement by African Americans to fight segregation was ___.
a) the “children’s crusade” in Birmingham
b) the Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott
c) the mass march on Washington, D.C.
d) the Selma, Alabama, voting rights campaign

Martin Luther King, Jr., was a founder and the first president of the ___.
a) Nation of Islam
b) Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
c) Southern Christian Leadership Conference
d) Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

One accomplishment of the ___ was bringing about a federal ban on segregation in all interstate travel facilities.
a) Little Rock Nine
b) Black Panthers
c) freedom riders
d) Montgomery bus boycott

In the summer of 1964, thousands of white college students took part in ___.
a) riots in Northern cities resulting from racial tensions
b) a demonstration in support of integrating Southern colleges
c) a funeral procession for Martin Luther King, Jr.
d) a campaign to register African American voters in Mississippi

De jure segregation is segregation that results from ___.
a) laws
b) habit and custom
c) random chance
d) inequalities in education

Appealing to many African Americans’ anger and frustration over a lack of social and economic power, ___ preached a militant approach to civil rights.
a) Martin Luther King, Jr.
b) Medgar Evars
c) Malcolm X
d) Fannie Lou Hamer

A major turning point in the civil rights movement was marked by ___.
a) the conversion of Malcolm X to orthodox Islam
b) the drifting apart of SNCC and SCLC
c) the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
d) the assassination of Robert Kennedy

One legacy of the civil rights movement that has been challenged in recent years is ___.
a) equal opportunity in housing
b) black participation in politics
c) affirmative action programs
d) separate but equal facilities

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