Body Systems Question Preview (ID: 61720)

Questions About Our Last Unit Of The Year! Human, Insect, And Amphibian Body Systems! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Grasshoppers, frogs, and human all need oxygen. Why?
a) so they don't die
b) so the mitochondria in their cells can burn sugar and release energy
c) so they can burn glucose for the cell's energy
d) all of these

Does grasshopper blood deliver oxygen to their cells?
a) yes
b) no

How does oxygen get delivered to a grasshopper's cells?
a) through their lungs and blood
b) they don't need oxygen so it doesn't
c) through trachea tubes connected to each cell
d) through their intestine

Where is a grasshopper's ear?
a) on its head
b) on it's abdomen
c) they don't have any
d) on its side under the wing

How many eyes does a grasshopper have?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

Kidneys filter our blood and remove extra water and a protein waste called urea from our blood. They then combine these to make _________.
a) blood
b) poop
c) oxygen
d) urine

What does human blood deliver to cells?
a) oxygen and nutrients
b) just oxygen
c) just nutrients
d) just carbon dioxide

Does urine come from your digestive system?
a) no
b) yes

How does oxygen get in to a grasshopper's body?
a) through their mouth and nose
b) through spiracles on each section of their abdomen
c) through their skin
d) through their antennas

Which system is made up of your brain, spinal cord, and nerves?
a) digestive system
b) nervous system
c) circulatory system
d) urinary system

Which system provides support and protection for the body?
a) digestive system
b) nervous system
c) circulatory system
d) skeletal system

Do frogs have ears?
a) yes
b) no

What covers all of the internal organs to protect them?
a) rib cage with sternum (breast bone)
b) intestines
c) heart
d) pancreas

Which very large blood vessel takes highly oxygenated blood away from the heart to the other parts of the body
a) aorta
b) vena cava

Which part of the brain does thinking take place in?
a) The back part-occipital lobe.
b) Deep in the middle-limbic system.
c) The front part-the frontal lobe.
d) It takes place all over the brain.

How many chambers does the human heart have?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Which system includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine?
a) respiratory
b) circulatory
c) digestive
d) urinary

Which system includes the kidneys, ureter tubes, and bladder for making urine?
a) circulatory
b) urinary/excretory
c) digestive
d) nervous

The trachea is the tube that leads from the mouth to the
a) lungs.
b) stomach.
c) small intestine.
d) pancreas.

Which system is made up of the heart and blood vessels and is responsible for moving blood around the body?
a) digestive system
b) skeletal system
c) circulatory system
d) nervous system

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