Civil War Test Review Question Preview (ID: 61710)

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First shots and signaled the start of the war
a) Bull Run
b) Fort Sumter
c) Gettysburg
d) Vicksburg

Urged the south to accept defeat
a) Robert E Lee
b) Stonewall Jackson
c) Ulysses S Grant
d) Jefferson Davis

Factories, favored tariffs, urban
a) North
b) South
c) East
d) West

Lincoln gave this speech that said the government is ... of the people, by the people, for the people....
a) Emancipation Proclamation
b) Gettysburg Address
c) Peace Treaty
d) Declaration of Independence

He'd rather die 1,000 deaths than to meet Grant
a) Robert E Lee
b) Abraham Lincoln
c) Jefferson Davis
d) Stonewall Jackson

Cities that were burned and left in ruins at the end of the war
a) Atlanta and Vicksburg
b) Richmond and Mississippi
c) Richmond and Atlanta
d) Richmond and Boston

Civil War Nurse, started American Red Cross
a) Clara Barnes
b) Clara Barton
c) Martha Brooks
d) Phyliss Wheatley

Believed force should be used to keep the Union together
a) Lincoln
b) Davis
c) Lee
d) Jackson

Capital of Confederacy
a) Richmond
b) Washington, DC
c) South Carolina
d) Mississippi

This caused the southern states to secede
a) election of Lincoln
b) Firing on Fort Sumter
c) Battle of Bull Run
d) Compromise of 1850

Stonewall Jackson
a) Confederate general from VA who lost his arm in battle
b) Aid to Lincoln
c) Union general
d) advisor to Grant

Who could not fight against his home state of VA?
a) Stonewall Jackson
b) Ulysess S Grant
c) Robert E Lee
d) Jefferson Davis

Union naval captain who had been a slave
a) John Brown
b) Jefferson Davis
c) Robert Smalls
d) Robert Biggs

This was NOT a difference between the North and South
a) Economic
b) Constitutional
c) Environmental
d) Cultural

Why did the North favor tariffs?
a) it prevented families from buying goods
b) it pressured the British into buying cotton
c) it paid the cost of transporting runaway slaves
d) it protected the factory owners and kept them in business

Why did Southerners oppose tariffs?
a) they feared Britain may stop buying cotton
b) they feared Lincoln would be President
c) they feared the Northerners would take over their plantations
d) they feared manufacturing prices would go up

Women did this during the war
a) kept supply lines open
b) ran businesses and plantations
c) fought with their husbands
d) notified the government of runaway slaves

Confederate money was this after the war
a) worthless
b) valuable
c) worth more than European money
d) more valuable than Union money

First MAJOR battle
a) Bull Run
b) Fort Sumter
c) Vicksburg
d) Appomattox

Battle that split the South
a) Vicksburg
b) Fort Sumter
c) Bull Run
d) Gettysburg

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