The Postwar Boom (Chapter 19 - US History) Question Preview (ID: 61709)

Understand The Economic, Social, And Cultural Changes That Occurred In Postwar America. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The expression of nonconformity by ___ developed into the beat movement.
a) college students
b) teenagers
c) artists and poets
d) rock ’n’ roll performers

Most Americans in the 1960s relied on ___ as their primary source of entertainment and information.
a) radio
b) telephones
c) movies
d) television

With more money to spend and an increased number of products to buy, ___ became an American way of life.
a) consumerism
b) planned obsolescence
c) social conformity
d) a 40-hour work week

The vast majority of new homes in the 1950s were built in the ___ .
a) big cities
b) small cities
c) suburbs
d) rural areas

A ___ is a large corporation that owns a number of smaller companies.
a) franchise
b) government agency
c) monopoly
d) conglomerate

During the 1950s, ___ jobs declined.
a) manufacturing
b) communications
c) advertising
d) service

The Dixiecrats nominated ___ to run for president in 1948.
a) Harry S. Truman
b) J. Strom Thurmond
c) Thomas E. Dewey
d) Henry A. Wallace

President Truman threatened to ___ striking workers to prevent strikes from crippling the nation.
a) arrest
b) draft
c) sue
d) deport

One of the benefits that the GI Bill of Rights offered to returning veterans was ___.
a) counseling
b) free homes
c) low-interest loans
d) government jobs

Most ___ enjoyed the prosperity of the postwar period.
a) Latinos
b) white Americans
c) African Americans
d) Mexican Americans

All of the following were early effects of the conversion from a wartime to a peacetime economy except
a) increased unemployment.
b) the supply of goods exceeding demand.
c) inflation.
d) decreased wages.

All of the following contributed to the economic recovery after the war except
a) consumer demand.
b) the Cold War.
c) labor strikes.
d) the Marshall Plan.

The factor that most contributed to the upset win of Truman in the 1948 election was
a) his relentless campaign against a “do-nothing” Congress.
b) the healthy state of the nation’s economy.
c) his position on civil rights.
d) support from labor unions.

The first politician to skillfully use the new medium of television was
a) Harry S. Truman.
b) Richard M. Nixon.
c) Dwight D. Eisenhower.
d) Adlai Stevenson.

One disadvantage of standardization in American business was that it
a) led to a lower standard of living.
b) lowered profits.
c) discouraged individuality.
d) was less efficient.

The group that benefited most from the economy and culture of the 1950s was
a) African-American women.
b) white women.
c) African-American men.
d) white men.

The dramatic increase in car ownership in the 1950s contributed to all of the following except
a) noise pollution.
b) the Interstate Highway Act.
c) decreased usage of national parks.
d) the widening gap between the middle class and the poor.

The Longoria incident prompted Mexican Americans to do all of the following except
a) promote political candidates who represented their interests.
b) organize the G.I. Forum.
c) found the Unity League of California.
d) return to Mexico.

Criticism of television in the 1950s was based on
a) its portrayal of an idealized society.
b) the size of the screen.
c) weak transmitters.
d) its black-and-white images.

In the 1950s, both the beat movement and rock ’n’ roll were viewed as forms of
a) harmless entertainment
b) African-American culture.
c) rebellion.
d) mainstream American values.

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