World War Looms (Chapter 16 - US History) Question Preview (ID: 61693)

Trace The Rise Of Dictators, The Beginnings Of War, And The American Response In The 1930s. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following leaders transformed the Soviet Union from a rural nation into an industrial power?
a) Stalin
b) Hitler
c) Lenin
d) Mussolini

What is genocide, as practiced by the Nazis?
a) the broadcasting of anti-Semitic ideas
b) the deliberate extermination of a specific group of people
c) the abuse of a nation’s citizens by their own government
d) the killing of people for the purpose of creating terror

On what did the German military strategy of blitzkrieg depend?
a) a system of fortifications
b) “out-waiting” the opponent
c) surprise and overwhelming force
d) the ability to make a long, steady advance

When did Britain and France adopt a policy of appeasement toward Germany?
a) before the war began
b) when they declared war
c) when the United States declared war
d) after France was invaded and divided

Which of the following correctly matches the politician with his nation?
a) Austria ➜ Joseph Stalin
b) Spain ➜ Francisco Franco
c) Britain ➜ Charles de Gaulle
d) France ➜ Neville Chamberlain

Which of the following did Winston Churchill oppose?
a) the Munich Pact
b) the Atlantic Charter
c) the Lend-Lease Act
d) the Treaty of Versailles

Which group of people suffered 6 million deaths during the Holocaust?
a) Nationalists
b) Aryans
c) Fascist
d) Jews

Which nation(s) signed a nonaggression pact with Germany that led to the invasion and division of Poland?
a) Italy
b) Spain
c) Italy and Japan
d) the Soviet Union

In following a policy of appeasement, what did Britain and France do?
a) declared war on Germany
b) submitted to Hitler’s demands
c) entered into a formal defense alliance
d) pressured the United States to enter the war

The actions of which country finally forced the United States to enter the war?
a) Italy
b) Japan
c) Germany
d) the Soviet Union

At the end of World War I, many new democracies were established in Europe. In the years between the two world wars, what happened to most of these democracies?
a) They thrived.
b) They became Communist.
c) They were torn apart by civil wars.
d) They were replaced by dictatorships.

Which of the following did Adolf Hitler oppose?
a) Kristallnacht
b) the Munich Pact
c) the Nuremberg Laws
d) the Treaty of Versailles

How were Britain and France drawn into war with Germany?
a) Hitler had taken power in Germany.
b) Germany had attacked Poland.
c) Germany had attacked Czechoslovakia.
d) Germany had pulled out of the League of Nations.

What happened during the Battle of Britain?
a) Germany joined the Axis powers.
b) Germany engaged in a three-front war.
c) Germany bombed Britain for two months.
d) Germany entered into a nonaggression pact with Britain.

Who or what did President Roosevelt describe as “the rattlesnakes of the Atlantic”?
a) Axis nations and their leaders
b) U.S. Navy ships and their crews
c) German U-boats and their crews
d) Japanese warplanes and their pilots

What caused militarist leaders to gain control of the Japanese government in the early 1930s?
a) a civil war in Japan
b) Hideki Tojo’s appointment as prime minister
c) U.S. shipments of arms and supplies to China
d) their successful invasion of resource-rich Manchuria

On which of the following did Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini disagree?
a) nationalism
b) ownership of property
c) centralized government
d) militaristic expansionism

Which of the following matches a nation with another nation that it invaded in the 1930s?
a) Italy ➜ Finland
b) Soviet Union ➜ Poland
c) Germany ➜ Ethiopia
d) Japan ➜ the United States

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects Roosevelt’s feelings toward joining the war?
a) He agreed with the isolationists and promoted an isolationist policy.
b) He wanted to help the Allies but had to appease U.S. citizens who opposed entering the war.
c) He wanted to avoid the war because he did not see it as a threat to the United States.
d) He did not understand the position of isolationists and was eager to join the war.

What was the Lend-Lease Act?
a) a statement of war aims compiled by Roosevelt and Churchill
b) a nonaggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union
c) a policy allowing the president to provide arms to certain foreign countries
d) an order to shoot German U-boats on sight

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