Age Of Limits (Chapter 24 - US History) Question Preview (ID: 61691)

Understand The Political, Social, And Economic Events Of The 1970s And The Nixon Administration. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

President Nixon adopted a policy known as ___ in order to reduce the size and power of the federal government.
a) détente
b) New Federalism
c) stagflation
d) realpolitik

In 1973, the OPEC nations cut off their supply of ___ to the United States.
a) grain
b) money
c) oil
d) consumer goods

Nixon’s visit to ___ in 1972 to begin normalizing relations was a reversal of previous American policy established in 1949.
a) the Soviet Union
b) East Germany
c) China
d) Vietnam

Nixon’s closest advisers included H. R. Halderman, John Mitchell, and ___.
a) John Sirica
b) Gerald Ford
c) Sam Ervin
d) John Ehrlichman

In the event known as ___, Nixon ordered Attorney General Richardson to fire the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate break-in.
a) the Saturday Night Massacre
b) the Southern strategy
c) impeachment
d) Black Monday

When Nixon resigned, ___ became president.
a) Spiro Agnew
b) Gerald Ford
c) Ronald Reagan
d) Jimmy Carter

President Carter’s foreign policy was marked by a commitment to ___.
a) détente
b) compromise
c) free trade
d) human rights

The Camp David Accords were an agreement between ___ and Israel.
a) Egypt
b) China
c) Syria
d) Iran

After the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, the effects of ___ became an increasing concern to many Americans.
a) nuclear weapons
b) stagflation
c) pesticides
d) Three Mile Island

The U.S. government established the ___ to set and enforce pollution standards.
a) Nuclear Regulatory Commission
b) Environmental Protection Agency
c) Helsinki Accords
d) SALT I treaty

What was the stated purpose of Nixon’s revenue sharing proposal?
a) give federal government more control over how federal dollars were spent
b) give state and local government more control over how federal dollars were spent
c) give state and local governments fewer federal dollars
d) give state and local governments more federal dollars

Which of the following techniques was not used by the Nixon administration against perceived enemies in the United States?
a) illegal wiretaps
b) audits of tax returns
c) arrest without cause
d) CIA investigations

What was the purpose of Nixon’s Southern strategy?
a) make the Supreme Court more liberal
b) speed up the process of desegregation
c) extend voting rights to more African Americans
d) encourage discontented Democrats to vote for Nixon

What action did Nixon take that provided temporary relief from stagflation in 1971?
a) increased taxes
b) implemented wage and price controls
c) raised interest rates
d) reduced the federal budget

Under the philosophy of realpolitik, what was the most important consideration in formulating a relationship with another country?
a) its power
b) its natural resources
c) its location
d) its human rights record

Which man was not forced out of his job during the Watergate scandal?
a) John Dean
b) Archibald Cox
c) Leon Jaworski
d) Elliot Richardson

What has been the most lasting effect of Watergate?
a) Democratic control of the White House
b) Democratic control of Congress
c) an economic downturn
d) public cynicism about government

Why was Ford’s “Whip Inflation Now” program unsuccessful?
a) It asked Americans to conserve energy.
b) The public was not concerned about inflation.
c) It provided no incentives for Americans to conserve energy.
d) Americans became impatient because it worked too slowly.

Which of the following contributed least to Jimmy Carter’s defeat in 1980?
a) his support of the National Energy Act
b) his “malaise” speech
c) the Iranian hostage situation
d) his agreement to give up the Panama Canal

The first Earth Day, celebrated in 1970, was a response to what?
a) the incident at Three Mile Island
b) the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
c) the failure of the Clean Air Act of 1963
d) the growing concern over effects of pollution

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