Egyptian Life/death/cats Question Preview (ID: 61690)

The Creation And Afterlife Egyptian Myths. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why were cats probably considered sacred in Egypt?
a) They believed in reincarnation
b) They use litter boxes instinctively
c) Cat owners were less likely to get diseases carried by rats
d) Cats eyes seem to glow in the dark

What kind of cat did Sekhmet resemble
a) Lioness
b) Jaguar
c) Lynx
d) Puma

What did dead souls have to travel through or over to get to paradise?
a) A river
b) A field of reeds
c) A graveyard
d) A land of mist

What name was given the deities who helped fight Apep the chaos serpent?
a) The Defenders
b) The Eyes of Ra
c) Sons of Horus
d) The Champions of the Nile

Who preserved/fed the souls waiting to be tried?
a) Thoth
b) Markzet
c) Qebhet
d) Hobabadoga

What happened to souls that were judged impure?
a) They were sent to Arruu, the land of the dead
b) They reincarnated as a different lifeform
c) They became slaves to the gods of the dead
d) They were eaten by a crocodile and destroyed forever

What is the name of the courtroom of the dead?
a) The courtroom of the dead
b) The Hall of Justice
c) The Hall of Truth
d) The Hall of Good and Evil

Who guided souls to the courtroom?
a) Horus
b) Anubis
c) Set
d) Bast

Who protected souls that had just died?
a) Selket
b) Isis
c) Tefnut
d) Shu

How did Atum look for his lost children?
a) Created a raven named Thoth to look
b) Plucked his eye out and sent it off
c) Summoned a wolf called Fenris to track them by scent
d) Created the stars to see by.

What animal did chaos take the form of?
a) Snake
b) Scorpion
c) Jackal
d) Panda

What animal did Order take the form of?
a) Dog
b) Cat
c) Human
d) Pig

What was the original state of boring bodiless nothing called?
a) High school
b) Nirvana
c) Ninevah
d) Noon

Which god or goddess tracked Apep down in the darkness when he was out of control?
a) Ra
b) Sekhmet
c) Ptah
d) Bast

How did Ra try to calm Sekhmet down when she was on a rampage?
a) Poured wine into the Nile river
b) Put her missing eye back in her forehead
c) Made a gold statue in her honor
d) Here, kitty, kitty kitty....whosa good gurl? Das my good girl. kitty kitty kitty...

Who did Sekhmet marry?
a) Ra the sun god
b) Ptah the crafter
c) Thoth the god of knowledge
d) Makh the imbiber

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